Abdomen & Gastrointestinal System RTEC 91 Pathology
Trachea anterior to esophagus
Normal KUB
Contrast Agents
Normal Stomach which position?
Normal Esophagus which position?
Congenital Disorders
Increased incidences with Down Syndrome 30% with esophageal atresia/tracheoeso- phageal fistula are born prematurely
“double bubble sign” indicates duodenal atresia
Cecum atresia
Hirschsprung’s Disease
Mega colon
Bowel Obstruction?
Pyloric Stenosis “String Sign”
Schatzki’s ring
Esophageal Strictures Most common etiology; peptic stricture Gastric contents/ acid contents reflux into the esophagus causing inflammation, scarring and stricture formation.
Peptic Ulcer Lower esophagus Stomach Duodenum
Esophageal Varices
Normal gastric pattern
Malabsorption Syndrome Group of diseases that interfere with normal digestion and absorption of food through the small intestine –Celiac disease –Regional Enteritis (Crohn’s Disease) –Ulcerative colitis
Celiac disease or Sprue
Regional Enteritis
Crohn’s Disease
ulcerative colitis
ulcerative colitis vs Crohn’s?
What is the most common abdominal emergency surgery in the U.S?
Degenerative Diseases Gastrointestinal System
anterior abdominal hernia
Inguinal Hernia
Haital Hernia
Intrathoracic stomach malrotation
Bowel Obstructions Normally the small & large bowels are nearly always active in peristalsis. Various types of conditions can interfere with this action and cause obstruction. Mechanical vs Paralytic ileus
Bowel Obstruction “Step Ladder Sign”
Cantor tube Mechanical bowel obstruction
Gallstone Ileus
paralytic ileus “step ladder sign”
Diverticular Diseases Diverticulum – pouch or sac of the mucous membrane. Esophagus, Colon, Bladder
Esophageal Diverticula
Zenker’s Diverticulum
Meckel’s Diverticulum
Neoplastic Diseases Benign or Malignant Esophagus, Stomach, Small-Bowel, Colon Endoscope, Colonoscopy, Sygmoidoscopy is best to diagnose
Malignant vs Benign Tumors
Gastric neoplasm w/ perforation
Small bowel tumor
Colonic Polyps
Sigmoid colon CA
Colon mass
Cecum mass
Colon CA – “apple core sign” What else do you see?
Free air
Calcified fibroid
Calcified aorta
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