The Male Reproduction System
Internal and External Organs Internal Glands & Ducts-storage Nourish Transport sperm External Produce Store Release sperm Sperm cell must unite with egg cell for reproduction to occur-FERTILIZATION
TESTES 2 Major Functions Produce testosterone Produce sperm Testes located in scrotum Sac of skin outside body Scrotum protects testes Cold-shrinks hold in body heat Warm-larger to get rid of extra heat Sperm need lower temp. to form & survive
EPIDIDYMIS Sperm move from testes to epididymis Located on back of testicle-network of tubes Function Stores sperm for several weeks until mature 4-6 weeks for full maturity
VAS DEFERENS Sperm travel through vas deferens & combine with fluids from other sex glands Extend from epididymis join at urethra Urethra-tube passes through penis to outside of body Carries both sperm & urine-valve prevents mixing
GLANDS & DUCTS Seminal Vesicles Glands near the bladder Fluid from S.V. makes up 60% of semen Provides source of energy keep sperm active Cowper’s Gland Located at base of penis Clear fluid from C.G. 5% of semen Lubricates urethra Prostate Gland Near bladder at midline of body Milky-white fluid 35% of semen Protects sperm through female reproductive tract
PENIS External sex organ 2 parts Shaft-main part of penis Glans-tip of penis Urine & semen exit body through urethra by action called ejaculation
Disorders of Male Reproductive System Testicular Injury Testicular or prostate Cancer Undescended testes Inguinal Hernia Sterility Enlarged Prostate Gland
Male Reproduction Diagram