Coulomb excitation of 127,128 Cd R. Krücken 1, M. Gorska 2, P. Boutachkov 2, A. Dewald 5, R. Gernhäuser 1, A. Jungclaus 4, Th. Kröll 3, D. Mücher 1, F. Naqvi 2, R. Orlandi 4, M. Pfuetzner 6, M. Schlarb 1 et al. 1 TU München, 2 GSI Darmstadt, 3 TU Darmstadt, 4 IEM-CSIC Madrid, 5 IKP Köln, 6 Warsaw University
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Energies and B(E2) values unusually low 2 + energy of 128 Cd Enhanced collectivity?
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Transition σL B(σL) (W.u) SMCase-I Case-II 19/2 + 13/2 - E X (30) X (18) X /2 + 15/2 - M X (16) X (14) X Case -I Case -II 739 keV 822 keV 127Cd F. Naqvi et al., in preparation. Transition order could be resolved via Coulomb excitation!! Not 19/2- as before!
Feasibility 128 Cd production rate : 650 AMeV 235U beam (2x10 9 pps), 1 g/cm 2 Be Production cross section: 15 microbarn Rate estimates (LISE): S4 rate: 36 pps with 137 AMeV (total rates S2: 5000 pps, S4: 200 pps) Coulomb excitation cross-section: 200 mb (0.1 e 2 b 2 ) 400 mg/cm 2 Pb target AGATA photo peak efficiency of 145 particle-gamma coincidences per day for 128 Cd 5 days
Summary Relativistic Coulomb excitation on 127,128 Cd Help resolve the intriguing structure of Cd isotopes near N=82 (spherical vs. collective) 128 Cd: B(E2) value to distinguish between BMF and SM predictions 127 Cd: resolve observed excitation structure built on 11/2- state B(E2) value provides information on single-particle vs. collective structure Observation of excitations of 3/2+ ground state (how to firmly establish this transition?) Possibly excitation of 17 mus isomer observable (needs isomer tagging at LYCCA) –Needs 5 days of main beam time + 2 days calibration run on 126 Cd –May run using same set-up as Cd plunger experiment (without degrader)
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