Applied Research Project BY: CHIRAG PATEL
Optometrist Manhattan, NY Salary: $136,173 Miami, FL Salary: $110,211
Monthly CostsMiami, FLManhattan, NY Rent for a One Bedroom Apartment $1750$2826 Groceries~$100~$150 Car Payment$389$396 Car Insurance$414 Utilities~$150~$170 Health Insurance$148$256 Yearly State Income Tax$0$8985 (6.85%) Disposable Income After All Other Costs $74,799$77,029
Education 4 years of school in Optometry School. Maybe 1 year residency. Become an OD (Doctor of Optometry) No further schooling after this. 21 Schools in the United States. Requires OAT. Average around $38,000 a year in state, public school.
5 Related Career Paths with Schooling The schooling for Optometry is very specific. Can become another type of physician through MD/DO schools. 1) Ophthalmologist-$264,278 2) Emergency Physician-$258,848 3) Pediatrician-$163,350 4) Oncologist-$232,376 5) Radiologist-$321,078
Reflection/Conclusion Cost of living differences. Requires same amount of schooling as other physicians. Not as flexible in switching fields.
Resources Usedfrom Class : salary information : majors and career options associated with major.