Warsaw, 16 June 2011 Agnieszka Różalska-Kucal
Polish Supreme Court Judgment, 1935: private method of dispute resolution; not always aware of legal provisions; setting aside only in exceptional situations; restricted interpretation.
Code of Civil Procedure Art Much based on UNCITRAL Model Law 1985 Ius cogens
No arbitration agreement; Party unable to present its case; Dispute not contemplated by or beyond the scope of the arbitration agreement; Procedure not in accordance with the agreement or with a provision of law; Award obtained by way of a crime; Res iudicata.
Also if the Court finds that: Dispute not capable of settlement by arbitration; Public order clause. What about: Violation of substantive law?
All awards; Application deadline: 3 months; Enforcement of the award may be suspended; Setting aside does not cause arbitration clause invalid.
2 instances + Supreme Court Time of proceedings: Minimum: 6 months Maximum: 8 years and 6 months Average: 3 years and 6 months
Lower number of instances: What is the legal nature of application? Possible problem: art. 176 of Polish Constitution? Specialized court? Proceeding based solely on documents
Everything depends on the parties: Choice of arbitration Choice of the Court Choice of lawyers Choice of arbitrators Decision to iniciate setting aside proceedings
Agnieszka Różalska-Kucal