State University of New York at Stony Brook Clinton Rubin, Ph.D. Professor & Chair Department of Biomedical Engineering Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering Education The history of scientific and technical discovery teaches us the human race is poor in independent thinking and creative imagination. Albert Einstein
The Challenge: A principal conclusion of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy report on Graduate Education: ‘…many of the job opportunities of the future will favor students with greater breadth of academic and career skills, so the universities and their partners in the graduate education enterprise should therefore cooperate to broaden curricular options for graduate students…’
BME 507: Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering Management Technology Development –Translational Research, Development, Marketability, Commercialization Principles of Intellectual Property –Disclosures, Provisional Patents, Patents, Claims –National vs. International Capitalization –Angel Funding, Investment Banks, Equity, IPO’s Regulatory Affairs –FDA; Preclinicals, Phase I, II, III –GMP’s, GLP’s, GCP’s, QA, QC
BME 501: Engineering Principles in Molecular and Cell Biology Context Based Learning –Molecular bioengineering as based on drugs and devices for the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury Engineering a Biomolecular Based Medical Device –Research of Current Technology –Design & Development –Protection through Intellectual Property –Presentation as 30% of final grade
A Novel Solution to Infections Associated with Centeral Venous Catheters BME 501; Part III: The Solution David Komatsu Diffusional hub with semi-permeable membrane
Functionalized Biomaterial for the Treatment and Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Kim Luu BME 501 Patent Project New Stent Composition
Treatment of Bradicardia through Sub Threshold Stimulation of the Sinoatrial Node Jameson Baker 12/10/02; BME 501 AP caused by sub threshold stimulation
Encouraging Innovation & Entrepreneurship BME is directly tied to the Center for Biotechnology, a NYS ED resource for bridging academia and industry. Students encouraged to take advantage of Industry Internship or Patent Law Internship program. Grad and Undergrads encouraged to work in the University’s Incubator facility. Faculty and Students encouraged towards translational research, technology development, and commercialization (formation of companies). Innovative Technology Development grants through Center for Biotechnology
Are we successful? NRC CDCIRTCLS Entrepreneurial activities are key to future of BME, and training of students. This goal can be achieved in many ways. Time will tell. If change is to occur, it will be through the uncoordinated action of many persons at many institutions who try to consider what is best for their students and their profession and then take appropriate action. NRC CDCIRTCLS