Third level Future climate projections of NYC watershed: GCM selection and downscaling A.Anandhi 1, A. Frei 1, D.C. Pierson 2, H. Markensten 3, D. Lounsbury 2, M.S. Zion 2, A.H. Matonse 1, and E.M. Schneiderman 2. 1 CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities/Hunter College, CUNY, NY. 2 Bureau of Water Supply, New York City Department of Environmental Protection 3 Upstate Freshwater Institute, Syracuse, NY. New York City Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Supply Water Quality Watershed Science & Technical Conference 2009
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Outline of the presentation Overview of Climate Models and Emission Scenarios GCM selection : –Phase I –Phase II Downscaling : –Phase I –Phase II Conclusions Future direction
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Overview of Climate Models and Emission Scenarios
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Introduction Nature of climate system is chaotic and its exact state cannot be predicted years ahead. Global climate models (GCM) simulate the climate by representing the climate system mathematically using equations and parameters. Scenarios are defined to represent future climate, which are alternative images of how the future climate might unfold. Multiple scenarios allow uncertainty in the possible future climate to be estimated. A set of Global climate models (GCM) provide our best information to future realizations (time series) of climate. There are multiple GCM models available that are developed by independent teams, and which use different modeling algorithms and approachs to simulate basic climate processes Uncertainty in future climate simulations can be evaluated by using different GCM models to simulate the same future period
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 The GCMs are models that represent the climate system mathematically by using the Using basic laws of physics, fluid motion & chemistry etc; ……parameterization of the processes that are not explicitly taken into account. Earth’s shape, rotation, revolution Processes Image source: IPCC Components Responses to forcings their interactions Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Cryosphere Biosphere Solar radiation The physical processes can have different approximations and simplifications because they are (1) too complex to include in the model and still have the model run fast on a computer, or (2) because our understanding of those processes is still too poor to accurately model them with equations. Lack of consensus as to which approximations are most important to modeling results, is also another reason for different modeling approaches to be developed. Overview of a GCM
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) have become the standard scenarios. Describe different future climate using 4 storylines (SRES A1, A2, B1, B2) In terms of Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted in future based on how –world population, –economy, –new technologies, –energy resources, –land use changes & – political structure may evolve over the next few decades. SRES - Emission scenarios
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Scenarios in SRES Highest emissionsMedium emissionsLow emissions
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 GCM Selection
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Phase I Climate Change Simulations We used the future climate projections from GCM models pertaining to Intergovernmental Panel for climate change (IPCC’s) AR4 report –Four GCMs (NCAR, ECHAM, GISS & CGCM3) –All the three SRES emission scenarios that are available in the report were used (A1B, A2 & B1 representing medium, high and low emissions in future) GCM - Emission Scenario Current Conditions Scenario (20C3M) 65 Year into Future Scenario ( ) 100 Year into Future Scenario ( ) CGCM3-A1B CGCM3-A2“““ CGCM3-B1“““ ECHAM-A1B ECHAM-A2“““ ECHAM-B1“““ GISS-A1B GISS-A2“““ GISS-B1“““ NCAR-A1B NCAR-A2“““
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Phase II Climate Change Simulations - need for GCM selection Future climate projections in NYC watersheds are subjected to uncertainty due to : –different GCMs & –climate scenarios One way to represent this uncertainty is use a larger variety of GCMs & scenarios to represent the various future projections However, with the increase in the number of future climate projections, the watershed and reservoir runs for impact studies increases exponentially with each addition. Hence there is a need to select the GCMs & scenarios for impact assessments by evaluating the GCM simulations
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Many methods divide the world into 22 regions for evaluation
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 The evaluation of GCMs for Eastern North America (ENA)
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Challenges in evaluation of climate models There are many aspects of model behavior that can be compared with the real world –Morphology of climate – by comparing statistics such as means, variances, covariance etc –Budgets, balances & cycles – e.g energy budget, water balance, carbon cycle –Process studies of climate e.g comparing monsoons, convective processes Evaluation can be limited by errors and/or lack of measured data To some extent models are tuned to reproduce the observed climate –E.g Models to a certain degree may appear realistic in some respects, but this may be a result of compensating errors There is no generally accepted metric for measuring model performance as a whole (Gleckler et al 2008) –Wide variety of variables are of interest –Observational uncertainties are often substantial but poorly estimated –Some aspects of climate model simulations are deterministic, while others are not, making quantitative verification more complex Different models show varying strengths & weakness
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Evaluation/Reliability of climate models – Along 3 main lines Model Performance How well a model simulates the observed climate record (Girogi and Mearns, 2002; Johnson and Sharma, 2009) or The skill of models in simulating present-day climate (Raisanen 2007) Model Convergence How consistent the predictions are from a range of models in time & space (Girogi and Mearns, 2002; Johnson and Sharma, 2009) or Inter-model agreement on future climate changes (Raisanen 2007) climate changes = future climate –simulated present day climate Ability of models to simulate observed large scale changes (Raisanen 2007) E.g. Decrease in Arctic Ocean ice cover E.g. Changes in water temperature within the top 700m of the worlds oceans since 1960
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Methods of evaluation in climate models Component level System level Numerical methods & physical parameterizations in GCMs are compared EnsemblesIndividual Models the outputs from GCM compared with observed values 1.Simple Ensemble Average (Lambert & Boer, 2001) 2.Simple Ensemble Median 3.Ensemble variance 4.Their combinations e.g mean of median etc 1.Mean, 2.Median, 3.Variance Methods Presently Under Evaluation at DEP
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Data Used Daily precipitation, temperature (av., max, min), wind speed & solar radiation data from 23 GCMs are obtained from IPCC’s data archive GCM Scenarios: Baseline : 20C3M Future : A1B A2 B1 Time slice: Baseline : Future : :
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Methodology followed in the study to obtain future projections of climate variables for NYC watershed Select climate variables to be evaluated Download data for these variables from different GCM runs in IPCC AR4 Regrid the data from different GCMs to a common grid Select one or more methods of evaluation Evaluate the GCM models for the region of interest Downscaling
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Need for regridding? Different GCMs have different grid resolutions Regridding brings the values of variables to a common grid for their comparison with other GCMs
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Results – GCM selection Euclidian distance
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Results – GCM Selection
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Results – GCM selection … contd
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Results – Model selection EnsembleMeanMedianVariance Mean Median Variance Ranking Criteria : Euclidian Distance of Individual model mean from observed mean. Euclidian Distance Observed mean GCM mean GCM ModelRank csiro_mk3_51 cfdl_cm2_02 cccma-T633 cccma-T474 ingv_echam45 cnrm-cm36 Bccr-pr7 giss_aom8 iap_fgoals9 csiro_mk3_010 ipsl11 Ranking Criteria : Euclidian Distance of Individual model variance from observed variance. GCM ModelRank cccma-T471 cccma-T632 cnrm-cm33 Bccr-pr4 ingv_echam45 cfdl_cm2_06 iap_fgoals7 csiro_mk3_08 csiro_mk3_59 giss_aom10 ipsl11 Preliminary rankings
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 GCM Downscaling
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 The future climate projections from GCMs may not be directly used for NYC watershed because they are at coarser resolution & scale Watershed scale Marshes Sea Vegetation The future climate projections at watershed scale Rock beach GCM scale
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Need for downscaling Watershed scale GCM scale Change factor Type of downscaling
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Change Factor Methodology Additive factors (CF add ) used to adjust historical air temperature record Multiplicative factors (CF mul ) used to adjust historical precipitation records and other variables Factors calculated on a monthly basis and applied to observed values Phase I Downscaling Change Factor Methodology Additive factors (CF add ) used to adjust historical air temperature record Multiplicative factors (CF mul ) used to adjust historical precipitation record Factors calculated on a monthly basis and applied to observed values
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Downscaling: Phase 1- Change Factor Method Example of Calculating a Single Factor Source: Anandhi et al 2009 GCM future –A1B GCM baseline –20C3M Estimating Change factor Measured data
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Daily Air Temperature Input Data for Model Simulations JanFebMar Degrees C > Baseline Future +65yr Application of Climate Change Delta Method – Air Temp Average GCM-Projected Air Temperature by Month for Control and Future Periods Month JFMAMJJASOND Baseline ( ) Future GCM ( ) Temp. Change Factor = Future-Control (Future = Measured + Factor)
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Example of Phase I downscaled data Minimum Daily Air Temperature Cannonsville Watershed Baseline Historical Data 2080 – 2081 ECAM A2 Future Climate Simulation
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Source: Anandhi et al 2009 Downscaling : Phase II - Improved CFM type of downscaling Multiple Change Factors Calculated over Portions of Frequency Distribution
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Example of Phase II downscaled data Similar studies were carried out for precipitation, Av. & max. temperature, wind speed & solar radiation
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Conclusions GCM Selection Phase I –Used GCMs readily available to DEP – Columbia GISS project GCM Selection Phase II –11 individual GCM models were evaluated based on mean, median & variance –The mean, median & variance of the ensemble of 11 models were also estimated –Models are ranked based on their Euclidian distance from the observed values The rest of the available GCM models ( from the total 23) will be evaluated Downscaling Phase I –Change factors applied on a monthly basis Downscaling Phase II –Multiple change factors applied by frequency distribution –Other method will be investigated Statistical downscaling Dynamic downscaling ie Regional Climate Models
Third level 9/14/2009WSTC /33 Future Direction Evaluate the GCMs using different evaluation techniques Uncertainty Analysis in GCM evaluation Use different downscaling techniques Uncertainty Analysis in downscaling Analysis of extreme values in a changed climate Similar studies on other meteorological variables such as average, maximum & minimum temperatures, wind speed & solar radiation
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