PPMA The Good The Bad and The Ugly Julie Towers 12 June 2015 Eric Pickles, MP Do you feel more or less positive about the authority achieving its financial goals than this time last year? The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government3 Is your job more or less enjoyable than this time last year? 4The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government Adult, Children and Social Care Rising above politics Future planning Health integration Financial restraints Stale workforce Retaining strong workforce 5 What is keeping you awake at night? To meet our financial challenges and to deliver positive outcomes for communities, we are having to deliver new innovative projects and programmes, often in collaboration - do we have the skills? The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government
penna.com6The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government 86% of CEOs have been experiencing difficulties attracting talent in the last 12 months 86% of CEOs have seen competition for talent increase Local Government Talent What’s been good about local government in 2014? Positively facing challenges Transformation with financial constraints Positive growth towards the future Innovation with flexibility The people 7 The move from accepting we are the victim to trying to fight back, take control of our own destiny and stand up more strongly for both our communities and our vocation The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government What’s been bad about local government in 2014? Budget cuts Damaged reputation Inflexible workforce Central Government barriers Lack of integration Rotherham 8 Not enough ability to bring in flexible workforce through consultants for specific projects The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government What’s been ugly about local government in 2014? 9 Some horror stories - Rotherham most notably, that tarnish the reputation of the sector - we need to look long and hard at how we support one another to prevent that. The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government What would be your three wishes for local government from the new government? 10 Wish 2 Realistic expectations Radical integration Greater long term development support More flexible workforce Wish 3 Money Investment in leadership Realistic approach to cuts Lift council tax freeze Wish 1 Respect Trust Leave us alone More self sufficiency opportunities Devolution The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government If 10 is "I love what I do" and 0 is "I hate what I do", where would you put yourself on the scale? 11The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government Penna Talent Survey Nov 2014 Any questions? 12The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government Attractions of working in local government The most effective ways of attracting talent Difficult to fill roles Biggest talent management challenges Thank you for listening Any questions? 17The good, the bad and the ugly of being a Chief Executive in Local Government