Community Planning: Beyond Ambition Colin Mair
Scope The ambition Some new research findings: ‘1000 communities’ Implications for prevention and improving outcomes Community Planning and Local Government
The Ambition ‘Core of Public Service Reform’ ‘Public services must improve outcomes, and reduce the outcome gaps within populations and between areas’ ‘Total resources will be targeted to deliver priorities ‘Promoting prevention and early intervention’ ‘Delivering demonstrable improvements in peoples lives’
1000 Communities Top, middle and bottom of SIMD : health; education; safety income employment Trends over time; between cohorts Modelling of factors shaping trends Tested against all Scotland data
Average S4 tariff scores
Impact of Deprivation: average S4 tariff scores
Average S4 tariff scores – 10% highest and 10% lowest achieving areas
Emergency Hospital Admission rates, all ages
Impact of Deprivation and Demography: emergency hospital admission rates, all ages
Emergency Hospital Admission rates, all ages – 10% highest and 10% lowest rates
Emergency Hospital Admission rate, ages 65 plus – 10% highest and 10% lowest rates
Key Points Income deprivation linked to unemployment explains majority of variance: between areas and over time Other factors or order of factors make little difference Communal not individual factor: e.g. Emergency admissions 65+ Applies to all outcomes
Implications for Prevention and Improving Outcomes Putting the community into Community Planning The ‘Prevention Paradox’ ‘It’s the economy stupid’: economic and employment capacity as part of ‘total resources’ Income deprivations and Welfare Reform: thinking outcomes Doing co-production for real: caring and engagement
Integration Around Communities NHS CouncilPolice etc. RCOP Early Years Girfec Community Resilience etc. Communities : Community Planning
So.... Mapping distribution of employment and income Earmarking entry level jobs: value added Improving income in kind: e.g. Entitlement cards Outcome based strategy for debt: council tax; bedroom tax etc Targeting communities: not just services and client groups
Community Planning and Local Government Passionate concern about employment opportunities and employability Passionate belief that world class services transform lives Passionate commitment to local communities and local accountability Passionate frustration with fragmentation, duplication and waste Community Planning is your agenda