By: Federico Brokate and Sarah Benderson “The Liberal Democrats exist to build a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental Values of liberty, equality and community.”
Formed on March 2,1988 by a merge of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party Nick Clegg has been the leader since 2007
Advocate for a political system that listens more directly to the people governed. Increased funding in community sports. Get wasteful government spending under control and cutting taxes from the bottom up. Manage big business and the rich who exploit tax lop- holes. Cut class sizes to personalize education. Equality of opportunity. Health service should treat all people equally and should be free when needed. Not based on ability to pay Deliver positive vision to preserve the environment. Chris Huhne: “The Green Deal”
Country security first. Work with allies, stand up for human rights, and help people in the poorest parts of the world. Criminal justice based on evidence, not guilty until proven. Reduce interference from central governments and help protect social services. Unfair Council Tax should be replaced with a local income tax. Ensure housing for all citizens.