Use of PI Benchmarking David Webster West Dunbartonshire Council
Benchmarking PI Charts Statutory Performance Indicators – example of benchmarking Council tax collection rates APSE Performance Networks – examples of benchmarking Grounds Maintenance
Set-up Scorecard for SPIs
Scottish Averages and Quartiles
Family ‘C’ Averages and Quartiles
Family ‘C’ Benchmark Chart
11 years of benchmarking- now in year 12 –Performance networks is a mature benchmarking service which allows for effective performance measurement across a range of vitally important front-line public services with 11 years of performance data available. The largest voluntary local government benchmarking service in the UK –Over 200 local authorities from across the U.K. in membership and participation growing across all services, performance networks is the largest voluntary performance measurement service for local government providing benchmarking across 15 front-line services.
Set-up Scorecard for APSE Performance Networks Divide into themes eg Grounds Maintenance 32 PIs for WDC Loaded by Covalent from APSE excel sheets
Create benchmark Council PIs Total of 492 other Council benchmark PIs just for Grounds Maintenance!
WDC data and APSE average
Benchmark data- Scotland
Next steps & Improvements Rest of APSE data to be loaded – creates a lot of PIs! Annual data to be loaded – 08/09 soon available. Also need to load historical averages Improvements to benchmark graphs required –Need to display more than one benchmark graph per PI, e.g. All UK, Scotland and Family Group. Currently can only do one. –Useful to be able to show good performance to right on all b/m charts – makes it consistent & simpler to understand for managers!. Build indicators into ‘balanced’ service scorecards with improvement actions as part of drive to demonstrate competitiveness