Temperature Controls Why Temperatures Vary Throughout the Country
San Francisco vs Washington DC S.F. and D.C. are almost at the same latitude but do they have the same weather? 43 deg in S.F., while it’s -10 deg in D.C.
So What’s Going On? Land vs Water: land heats more rapidly & to higher temps than water. Land also cools more rapidly and to a much lower temp than water. San Francisco has a big ocean just up wind from it. Washington D.C. has a big continental land mass just up wind from it.
Factors that vary temps. San Francisco and Washington DC are both at the same latitude, same altitude. Their geographic position is different combined with Land vs Water. Latitude Land vs water Altitude Geographic position Cloud cover Ocean currents
Altitude Temperature falls with an increase in altitude Lapse rate deg F every 1000’ in altitude or 6.5 deg C every 1000 m. Thus snow on the mt. and not in the valley
Rain Shadow Due to Lapse Rate
Cloud Cover & Albedo Albedo tells you how much radiation is reflected back into space by any surface. Clouds have a high albedo and can cool the land. At night clouds do the opposite and keep heat in – always warmer after a cloudy night.
Isotherms The prefix Iso means “same” Therms mean temps., thus isotherm = same temperatures On a weather map, isotherms are lines of equal temperature – remember “topo maps”?
Lab Set-Up Can we test the assumption that land heats faster and cools faster than water? That’s our lab.