Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center BESAC Sub-Panel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/LUJAN Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor Washington DC 11 December 2000
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Context “The most important thing these facilities can do is to run reliably, build a user base, and do good science” -- Thom Mason, SNS
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center International Benchmark
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center ISIS Science ISIS
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center ISIS Source Source 160 kW Operation 168 days / year 91% Reliability 687 mA-hr delivered
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center ISIS Science User Community Experiments / year Publications / year $80 k per paper
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Source x Reliability x Instrumentation x Support Facilities x Support Staff x User Community x Cost Effectiveness x Stewardship Impact User Facility Effectiveness
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Grading Scale Outstanding ++ Competitive + Needs Improvement to be Competitive - Unacceptable --
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Source.. Reliability.. Instrumentation.. Support Facilities.. Support Staff.. User Community.. Cost Effectiveness - Operations.. - Science.. Stewardship/Management.. Impact..
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center LANSCE Source: + Target 2 Target 4 Target 1 ER-2 ER B A Lujan Center 80 kW µA at 20 Hz
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Source: - 7 kW µA at 20 Hz U 235 target x 2 Solid Methane x kW Thermal / Epithermal 50 kW Cold Dedicated Facility
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center LANSCE/Lujan Reliability: -
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Lujan Reliability Taking a Systematic approach but Ageing systems need investment
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Reliability:+ + Outstanding -- for now !
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Comparison 687
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Lujan Instrumentation: - 20 m 0 m 1 square =1 m HIPD SCD FDS NPD LQD PHAROS SPEAR CNR Instrument Suite -- 6/7 Good in Parts Instruments in User Program - 3 World Ranking
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Lujan Successes NPD Advanced Engineering Materials Diffraction from NiTi under load.
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Lujan Problems PHAROS MAPS LANSCE should be competitive with ISIS
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Making MAPS of Magnetism first science from the new ISIS spectrometer
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center New Science at ISIS Broholm et al Mook et al
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center USA at ISIS
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Instrumentation: - - Well balanced Instrument Suite - Useful Research Tools - Despite severe under investment World Class Science
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS - World Class Science Magnetic structures in the CMR manganites: the pseudo-2D system La 2-2x Sr 1+2x Mn 2 O 7 C. D. Ling, J. E. Millburn, J. F. Mitchell, D. N. Argyriou, J. Linton, H. N. Bordallo, Phys. Rev. B 62, xxxx (1 Dec 2000)
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Developments eg QENS x 10 for $700k Much potential…. Testbed for SNS Highly cost effective
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Lujan Support Facilities: - IPNS Support Facilities: - Ranked well by user community Needs improvement Benefits from MSD infrastructure Significant under-investment
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Lujan Support Staff: + IPNS Support Staff: + Dedicated and committed Accelerator understaffed 3.9 staff / instrument ~ISIS Dedicated and committed Accelerator understaffed 2.7 staff / instrument < ISIS
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Lujan Users: + Significant potential Enthusiastic despite setbacks SDT concept successful in involving UC Campuses Exploded view of HIPPO 150° 90° 40° 20° 10° 1384 detectors 4.6 m 2
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center World Class Instruments GEM
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Users: + Internal Program in MSD - Outstanding Quality Strong commitment at all levels in the organisation to the concept of a User Facility Enhancement plan to develop the user base
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center LANSCE / Lujan Cost Effectiveness Operations (marginal): - Operations (average) : - - Cost Effectiveness Science (marginal): + Science (average) : - see table
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Cost Effectiveness Operations:+ + Cost Effectiveness Science: + see table
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Figures of Merit
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center LANSCE Stewardship: - - Performance far below potential Grossly inadequate Lujan Operation No correlation between articulated priorities and funding flow Lack of focus - over a prolonged period of time - and still ongoing Multiple sponsors - no single champion No clearly identified action plan at the highest levels in LANL and in DOE
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Stewardship: + Well integrated team Internationally acclaimed Committed to running a user facility Enthusiastically embracing SNS Truly Outstanding but Let down by lack of support by DOE
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center LANSCE/Lujan Impact: - Modest impact compared with resources Overshadowed by IPNS But Broad range of Competencies on the Mesa t = s19.41 s s s s s s GENIEPRAD Lujan has great potential…. …..for both internal + external programs
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Impact:+ Reservoir of expertise Track record of seminal developments second to none High international stranding of staff in both IPNS and MSD Outreach to build a community particularly praiseworthy but Impact moderated by source strength and lack of investments in instrumentation
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center LANSCE/Lujan Summary Potential to be a world ranking user facility Latent user community - both internally and in the UC Campuses Staff on the Lujan floor and in the SDTs show promise Evidence of commitment at all levels but Lack of integration renders this ineffective
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center IPNS Summary Outstanding value Impressively well integrated team keeps an outmoded source operational at the highest levels of efficiency Can be sustained and enhanced -- with modest investments Plan for cost effective upgrades identified Window of opportunity to pass on expertise to a new generation Committed to success at all levels
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center Source+ - Reliability- ++ Instrumentation- - Support Facilities- - Support Staff+ + User Community+ + Cost Effectiveness - Operations Science - + Stewardship/Management Impact - +
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center LANSCE/Lujan Evaluation Source. Reliability. Instrumentation. Support Facilities. Support Staff. User Community. Cost Effectiveness - Operations. - Science. Stewardship/Management. Impact.
Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor BESAC Subpanel Review of IPNS and LANSCE/Lujan Center I P N S Evaluation Source. Reliability. Instrumentation. Support Facilities. Support Staff. User Community. Cost Effectiveness - Operations. - Science. Stewardship/Management. Impact.