Perceptions and Appearance
“Perception is reality to those perceiving it” “Perception is reality to those perceiving it” What does this mean? What does this mean? Is this true? Is this true?
Tattoos Are they all bad? Are they all bad? Survey shows that 1/3 of all men and women with tattoos regretted the tattoo they have. Survey shows that 1/3 of all men and women with tattoos regretted the tattoo they have. THINK BEFORE YOU INK! THINK BEFORE YOU INK! Location, size, image. Location, size, image.
Tattoos and the workplace What can your workplace allow and not allow? What can your workplace allow and not allow? Is it fair? Is it fair? How are you perceived? How are you perceived?
Piercings and the workplace What is a subtle piercing? What is a subtle piercing? Should a piercing be visible at all? Should a piercing be visible at all? Safety issues in veterinary medicine. Safety issues in veterinary medicine. Consider your employer. Consider your employer.
Hair Too??? What is considered “natural”? What is considered “natural”? Why do employers care? Why do employers care? Most employers require hair to be “conservative”. Most employers require hair to be “conservative”.
Dress Codes Employer can establish dress code as a condition of employment. Employer can establish dress code as a condition of employment. What about cultural and religious dress in workplace? What about cultural and religious dress in workplace? Religious symbols. Religious symbols. Religious beliefs. Religious beliefs. Who is ultimately right?? Who is ultimately right?? Freedom of speech vs. Freedom of Religion Freedom of speech vs. Freedom of Religion
How are you Perceived? 1. Do you have your natural hair color? 1. Do you have your natural hair color? A. Yes A. Yes B. No, but my hair is dyed a natural color B. No, but my hair is dyed a natural color C. No, my hair is dyed an alternative color C. No, my hair is dyed an alternative color 2. Do you have any visible tattoos? 2. Do you have any visible tattoos? A. No A. No B. Yes, but they are all covered by normal clothing B. Yes, but they are all covered by normal clothing C. Yes, and you can see some of them with how I dress C. Yes, and you can see some of them with how I dress
Do you have any Piercings? Do you have any Piercings? A. No A. No B. Yes, but you can they are not visible. B. Yes, but you can they are not visible. C. Yes, and they are visible. C. Yes, and they are visible. Do you often wear religious jewelry? Do you often wear religious jewelry? A. No A. No B. Yes, but it is small an inconsipicious B. Yes, but it is small an inconsipicious C. Yes, I wear several religious symbols C. Yes, I wear several religious symbols
Ratings For all A’s give yourself 1 point For all A’s give yourself 1 point For all B’s give yourself 2 points For all B’s give yourself 2 points For all C’s give yourself 3 points For all C’s give yourself 3 points If you scored 4-6: You are conservative in your appearance and do not place your beliefs or values on others. You are perceived as a neutral party. If you scored 4-6: You are conservative in your appearance and do not place your beliefs or values on others. You are perceived as a neutral party. If you scored 7-9: Your views are apparent yet not oppressive to others. You are perceived as passionate yet not a zealot. If you scored 7-9: Your views are apparent yet not oppressive to others. You are perceived as passionate yet not a zealot. If you scored 10-12: Your views are very readily apparent and sometimes can be perceived as offensive and oppressive to others. If you scored 10-12: Your views are very readily apparent and sometimes can be perceived as offensive and oppressive to others.
Appearance Related to Interview Women's Interview Attire Women's Interview Attire Solid color, conservative suit Solid color, conservative suit Coordinated blouse Coordinated blouse Moderate shoes Moderate shoes Limited jewelry Limited jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Neat, professional hairstyle Tan or light hosiery Tan or light hosiery Sparse make-up & perfume Sparse make-up & perfume Manicured nails Manicured nails Portfolio or briefcase Portfolio or briefcase
Men's Interview Attire Men's Interview Attire Solid color, conservative suit Solid color, conservative suit White long sleeve shirt White long sleeve shirt Conservative tie Conservative tie Dark socks, professional shoes Dark socks, professional shoes Very limited jewelry Very limited jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Neat, professional hairstyle Go easy on the aftershave Go easy on the aftershave Neatly trimmed nails Neatly trimmed nails Portfolio or briefcase Portfolio or briefcase
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Wear-to-an-Interview.htm Wear-to-an-Interview.htm Wear-to-an-Interview.htm Wear-to-an-Interview.htm How-To-Dress-For-a-Job-Interview How-To-Dress-For-a-Job-Interview How-To-Dress-For-a-Job-Interview How-To-Dress-For-a-Job-Interview
So think again “Perception is reality to those perceiving it” “Perception is reality to those perceiving it”