Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September 6 2015 Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for.


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. WEEK 2 13 September 2015

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Call to worship Come, sing praise to our God and praise the beauty of creation. As the breezes of spring bring new warmth so new energies emerge and all that was dormant flourishes again.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September We sing your praise, Creator God, and come with thanksgiving for all that is renewed and revived in us this day.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September HYMN 672 Lord of earth and all creation

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Opening Prayer God of all living things, each new morning reveals your handiwork. Like the psalmists of old, we come with songs of praise for the world around us and with thanksgiving that we can see you in all things.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Just as the earth beneath our feet nurtures a tree and a tree gives life to us, so may we learn to nurture the earth and may the way we live from day-to-day be our praise. Amen.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Collect Faithful God, your provision for us is abundant. With all that our eyes can see, our ears can hear, our fingers can touch, our tongues can taste, we are truly blessed.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September We are witnesses to your hospitality and generous love. Creator, Wisdom, Spirit, we thank you and, in worship this morning, we join our voices of praise with those that have sung throughout the ages. Amen.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Hymn 668 Touch the earth lightly

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Confession Gracious God, Wisdom cries out in the streets and we do not hear her. You cry out in our hearts and we do not listen. Forgive us our deafness – it comes from listening to the din of popular culture and the clamors of the modern world.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September These noises diminish our ability to hear the carol of the magpie as morning arrives, the laughter of the kookaburra as rain clouds gather, the chirrup of the wagtail as he surveys his territory.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September These sounds reveal your wonder; these melodies celebrate your creation. But, because we find it hard to listen, we cannot hear you call to us to share with you in loving your world.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Revive in us an awareness of our part in your plan for your world and teach us to listen. In your love, hear our prayer. Amen.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Prayers of the People Cosmic God, we know that the size of your universe is beyond our imagining and we marvel at its vastness and complexity. Our Planet Earth is complex, too, composed of intricately interconnected patterns of living forms, from single cell organisms to humankind.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September It is also filled with mineral resources which we utilise on a daily basis. But we underestimate the cost to Planet Earth of fulfilling our daily requirements for energy and fuel, for metal and plastic, silicon and wood. In our current age, these gifts that Planet Earth offers up to us are being rapidly depleted.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September In countries around the globe these resources are used to create infrastructures – roads, hospitals, schools, communications systems and primary processing plants and networks. Sadly, they are also used to make the rich richer and the powerful more influential,

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September As well as used to make weapons and armaments, increasing defence capacities and capabilities. As we sing your praise by being careful consumers may we also raise our voices to speak against careless consumption, insatiable greed, intoxicating power, and destructive aggression.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September May we show our gratitude for your world by advocating fair and equitable use of all you provide for us. These things we pray in faith. Amen.

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September HYMN 651 Take, take off your shoes

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Readings Proverbs 1:20-33 Psalm 19 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Sermon

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Hymn 190 Colourful creator

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September Benediction

Sustainable September 2015 Unlimited Love for a Limited Planet –Consume with care. Week 1 September