SHARING GOOD IDEAS FORUM April 21 st & 22 nd 2004 New Plymouth
DAY 1 –Wonderful presentations from people totally committed to achieving the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs goal in their communities. Clear from presentations that people working in these roles in the community “make things happen”. Some very clear themes: –Need to invest in workforce of next generation –Systemic change – “the way we do things” –Give a commitment to young people – a guarantee
–What Works – Key To Success –Real collaboration between local, central government, community organisations and private sector. “Working together not always easy. Collaboration difficult unless you know how all the pieces of the jigsaw fit.” Marti Eller (Career Services) –Long-term commitment by all parties –The importance of the Mayors office – Mayors taking the lead in showing that commitment. When the Mayors involved this leads to community support and commitment from everyone to get results (e.g. New Plymouth, Buller, Manukau) “MTFJ enabled them to be more ingenuous, creative and braver” Anne Candy (Deputy Mayor, Manukau) –Getting the private sector involved (4Trades, City Care, Rotorua) –Translating good ideas into good practice – focus on “whole person/whole community”
Challenges –To government departments and Councils to take an active role within their own organisations. For example MSD and the Councils of Manukau, Upper Hutt, New Plymouth. Mayors can take a lead role (only 31% of Councils with Cadet/Youth recruitment programmes). –To Councils to look at their supply chain – ensure contracts have training and employment of young people as components –To Government to continue involving all the communities, “make it easy” to implement ideas – ensure relevance of policy at the local level
DAY 2 How To –Long Term Council Community Plans (LTCCP) –Real opportunities to get buy in from the whole community. Government agencies –Good news of real drop in youth unemployment –Making a difference by working collaboratively – Encouraging local solutions, community ownership –Youth Transition Service – vital role for partnerships – new service being developed Workshops
Questions –How community development at the national level fits at the local level? –How to deal with personalities which are hindering the effectiveness of the positions they hold? –How to create key positions to work alongside Mayors? –How to ensure accountability and avoid duplications through seeking joint outcomes? –How to develop nationwide model for connecting tracking systems which would enable successful referral across regions? –How to convince Councils to increase their involvement? –Who’s responsible for accountability back to the community?
–How can inter-agency communication be done better? –How to develop good connections between employers and young people? Responses –“Young New Zealanders need optimism, hope and imagination so we all need to be optimistic, hopeful and imaginative.” –“Mayors Taskforce for Jobs shows real community leadership. The Mayors role is crucial.”
Key-words –Collaboration –Cooperation –D edication –Enthusiasm –Connectiveness –Consultation
Challenge Whole of government is not a coordinating committee, but a “way of working” throughout the whole of the organisations.