School Improvement Research Text – Based Discussion
Session Objective Exchange ideas and synthesize research on school improvement with the work of the RSC – TASC
Discussion Points Examine and discuss major themes from research articles on school improvement/reform Examine and discuss major themes from research articles on school improvement/reform Share and connect personal experience with school improvement work with the Network Share and connect personal experience with school improvement work with the Network Further deepen skills to facilitate and impact school improvement efforts Further deepen skills to facilitate and impact school improvement efforts
Task 1 Text – Based Discussion 70 Minutes
Task 1 Logistics Table groups select and read an article and will use a Text Protocol to guide rheir discussion Table groups select and read an article and will use a Text Protocol to guide rheir discussion Use the Best Practice associated with the article to reflect upon best practices observed or experienced through their practice Use the Best Practice associated with the article to reflect upon best practices observed or experienced through their practice
Task 2 Article Jigsaw and Vision of Effective Technical Assistance 65 Minutes
Task 2 Logistics Partners share main elements and personal connections of different articles Partners share main elements and personal connections of different articles Table group creates a visual/graphic display of “An Effective System of Technical Assistance” Table group creates a visual/graphic display of “An Effective System of Technical Assistance”
Group Share: “Take-aways”