Theories of learning and pedagogy 1 Pedagogical approaches Theories of learning – in informal/cultural settings Contextual model of learning (activity) Free-choice learning Motivation Theory to practice (addressing challenges activity) Wrap-up Session overview
Theories of learning and pedagogy 2 Transmission/telling Integration into what learner already knows Inquiry Discussion/small group discussion Jigsaw techniques Visual thinking strategies (VTS) Other approaches? Pedagogical approaches
Theories of learning and pedagogy 3 Theories and pedagogical strategies (Hein) Expository-didactic education Stimulus-response education Discovery learning Constructivism
Theories of learning and pedagogy 4 Theories and pedagogical strategies (Hein) Expository-didactic education Transmission/telling Stimulus-response education Transmission/telling Discovery learning Inquiry, group discussion, jigsaw techniques Constructivism Inquiry, group discussion, jigsaw techniques; Integration into what learner already knows
Theories of learning and pedagogy 5 Contextual Model of Learning
Theories of learning and pedagogy 6 Contextual Model of Learning Physical context Advance organisers; design; reinforcing events & experiences outside the setting Sociocultural context Within-group sociocultural mediation; facilitated mediation by others Personal context Motivation & expectations; prior knowledge, interests and beliefs; choice & control
Theories of learning and pedagogy 7 a relatively permanent change in thought or in behaviour that results from experience (Hohenstein & King, 2011) the process of taking in data through the senses, organising the data into a meaningful framework and using the data to change or support thought and behaviour (following Bloom) any process that leads to permanent capacity change and which is not solely due to biological maturation or ageing (Illeris, 2007) Definition of learning
Theories of learning and pedagogy 8 learning which most typically occurs while people visit museums or other cultural institutions, watch television, read a newspaper, talk with friends, attend a play, or surf the Internet.... We use the term free-choice learning to describe learning experiences which are non-sequential, self-paced, and voluntary. In other words, rather than defining learning by what it is not (non-formal), or where it occurs (informal), free-choice learning focuses on the characteristics of such learning--non-linear, personally motivated and most importantly, involving considerable choice on the part of the learner as to when, where, with whom, and what to learn. ‘Free-choice learning’ (Falk & Dierking)
Theories of learning and pedagogy 9 Motivation Extrinsic Intrinsic
Theories of learning and pedagogy 10 Motivation Extrinsic Motivation that comes from outside the activity (Performance orientation) Intrinsic Activity is engaged in for its own sake (Mastery orientation)
Theories of learning and pedagogy 11 Consider a challenge that a cultural institution might face (e.g. Reaching families; reaching underserved audiences; addressing difficult or complex topics; interpreting or communicating abstract ideas; controversial topics; accessibility) Draw on theories of learning (from last week, plus this week) to consider how you might address that challenge Activity
Theories of learning and pedagogy 12 By placing interpretive authority in the hands of the individual, and further, by championing the “whatever” interpretation as the final and desired outcome of the museum visit, the museum not only justifies its failure to communicate, but also it absolves itself of any interpretive responsibility for the meanings it produces and circulates in culture. Meszaros
Theories of learning and pedagogy 13