Middle/High School Model Exploration Kirk Brown and Lissa Gilmore Science and STEM Integration/Innovation San Joaquin County Office of Education
Goals of Today’s Review Develop a process to use to evaluate the Preferred Integrated and Alternative Discipline Specific Middle School Models Middle School: Compare 98Discipline Specific Model Experience NGSS Laser Jell-O activity Compare Discipline Specific ModelIntegrated Look at Subject Specific Flow 58 in Integrated Model High School 98NGSS Comparison 3 Course Model 4 Course Model Appendix K
The NGSS 3 Dimensions Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas (Content)
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts Patterns, similarity, and diversity Cause and effect Scale, proportion, and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter Structure and function Stability and change
Core/Component Ideas Highlights to PS Component Idea (DCI) and the Engineering DCI that we will be exploring from NRC framework
Structure of the NGSS Points out how to read the NGSS standards and points out the engineering applications suggested in the PEs
Structure of the NGSS- Engineering
Engineering Grade Bands K-2
Engineering Grade Bands 3-5
Engineering Grade Bands 6-8
Engineering Grade Bands 9-12
Break into HS and MS Burwood 1: High School Harmony Grove Lab: Middle School
Mapping Prev 98 Standards vs. 9-12 NGSS Subject Specific Standards Tasks: What are the Old 98 Standards for your subject? How do the NGSS standards compare? Cut out your grade level CA 98 State Standards Cut out the NGSS Performance Expectations at your grade level Paste them on the Grade Level/Subject Area in a T chart Compare not Align Lissa Will Start Now
Moving from Current CA Standards to NGSS-CA INSTRUCTIONAL SHIFTS Moving from Current CA Standards to NGSS-CA Phil
Concerns and Opportunities Write: on a sticky note (4 min) 3 Concerns regarding high school implementation 3 Opportunities With regard to NGSS implementation in H.S. Share at your table and post on poster paper your group concerns Choose a reporter and share out with group. Summarize on projector for group to see.
Appendix K Read page 1 and 2 What do you think Appendix K highlights? How many of you have read appendix K before today? (Raise your hand) Look at page 1. Models provided. Review some and distill the arguments for the sequence. Reaching the potential page 2: what is the underlying goal.
Jigsaw Reading Read page 3-5 Jigsaw the sections at your table Share out your section and state how it will inform your planning Look at page 3-5. Models provided. Review each at your table and share out the value of the resource for planning purposes. What is the underlying goal for each topic? 1: Each situation is different. Schools are expected to develop their own strategy to serve their students. (Note: meet with other schools to see what they have done and what you can glean from them). 2) The model you choose to create can take into account the 3D nature of the Framework and the developmental level of students for each course. When will students receive the content? 3) “an extensive review of the NGSS by college professors of first year science courses determined that the content in the NGSS would adequately prepare students to be college- and career-ready in science” “no set amount of time assigned to these courses…. they could be spread over a longer time than three years, extended to meet student needs, or accelerated 4)” additional work will be needed to create coherent instructional programs that help students achieve these standards. 5) “The goal is not to teach the PEs, but rather to prepare students to be able to perform them by the end of the grade band course sequence” 6 )”raising engineering design to the same level as scientific inquiry when teaching science disciplines at all levels”
Ideas to Consider Model Course Maps are starting points, not finished products. Model course map organization is built on the structure of the NRC Framework. All Standards, All Students. Model course maps are not curriculum. All Scientific and Engineering Practices and all Crosscutting Concepts in all courses. Engineering for all. Jigsaw this section at Tables.
Looking at Sample HS Sequences Look at the sequence provided at your table Develop an argument that includes the following: 5 reasons to support your sequence 2 reasons to reject your sequence that others may present How would you present a counter-argument for the reasons to reject your sequence? Chart your arguments and be ready to share out with the larger group in 45 minutes. Use evidence from the resources in NGSS and other resources to support your reasons. The major factor to consider is what is good for students.
Model Presentations Each Table Present your Posters 5 reasons to support your sequence 2 reasons to reject your sequence that others may present How would you present a counter-argument for the reasons to reject your sequence? Use evidence from the resources in NGSS and other resources to support your reasons. The major factor to consider is what is good for students
Poster Presentations Gallery Walk Add Post-it I noticed… I wonder…
Pictorial Flow Across Grades
Pictorial Flow Across Grades Pick Subject Column Follow the Progression from 5th grade to Grade 8 in that subject. Think of how you might order courses in high school to best support the progression. Prepare a Poster Suggesting one order Provide a Claim, Evidence and Reasoning on your Poster.
Table Discussions How will you roll out this learning to your teachers? What process will your teachers use to communicate your recommendations to your district administrators? What support do you need?
Timelines 2013: Adoption of the CA NGSS 2014: State Implementation Plan Adopted 2014-2016: Science Framework Development; anticipated adoption in September 2016 2015-2017: CST 5, 8, 10 Science Assessment on 1998 CA Science Standards for ESEA* 2015-2016: Development of new CA NGSS-aligned assessment begins to meet ESEA requirements for science assessment 2016-2017: Pilot Test CA NGSS Assessment 2017-2018: Science Instructional Materials Field Test CA NGSS Assessment 2018-2019: Anticipated operational assessment of CA NGSS
Questions? Kirk Brown kbrown@sjcoe.net 209-468-4880