Teaching and learning. Original idea John Leggott College Starter Main Plenary.


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching and learning

Original idea John Leggott College Starter Main Plenary

The 6 part lesson John Leggott College Starter Student centred phase Exam Question Target setting Teacher led intro Teacher led summary

Action plans John Leggott College

Learning Outcomes To be able to describe the structure of the heart including the four chambers, vessels and valves.

Learning Outcomes To be able to describe the structure of the heart including the four chambers, vessels and valves. Make sure that you are confident on these before next lesson. Use two sources of information to help e.g. powerpoints (moodle), revision guide, youtube, internet etc.

Student centred learning John Leggott College

Working individually John Leggott College Using a powerpoint / animation to understand a process John Leggott College

Working in pairs John Leggott College Half the class use one resource to answer questions (based on learning outcomes) – the other half use a different resource e.g. internet, powerpoint, textbook. Students then pair up to compare answers. John Leggott College

Working in pairs John Leggott College A3 Paper + Resource and questions. Convert an exam question into a resource sheet with questions. Students answer on A3 using a pen. Good for generating discussion. John Leggott College

Working in pairs John Leggott College Rally Coach One student has their notes and prompt’s the other one The other student has to run through a process unaided Swap roles John Leggott College

Working in pairs John Leggott College Taboo Students write a list of key definitions They describe the word to a partner without using the word itself Swap roles John Leggott College

Working in three’s John Leggott College

Role’s John Leggott College Artist / Architect Researcher Spy Manager Designer Each student takes on a different role to complete a common aim e.g. diagram of a process John Leggott College

Delegation John Leggott College Laptops Teacher Hand outs Textbook Animation Student table Student to complete a question sheet detailing key points by visiting different stations Followed by discussion in three’s. John Leggott College

Working in fours John Leggott College

Jigsaw 2 John Leggott College Four home groups Send one person to each table Variations: Students produce revision resource (+conch) / connect together a process containing four parts.

Differentiation John Leggott College Ideas Extra slip Extension question on starter Laminated exam questions with mark scheme on back Chance for all learners to hear answer? John Leggott College Should provide extension of learning for high achievers as well as support for others

Checking the learning John Leggott College Can be done by either Teacher -Walk round and look at students work – are there checkpoints? -Ask students to bring it to you? -Ask for an exit slip Students Self assessment using mark scheme John Leggott College

Questioning John Leggott College Most commonly used questioning in classroom Initiation Response Evaluation by teacher The teacher does most of the hard work! John Leggott College

Questioning John Leggott College You should keep the focus on the students and get them to evaluate each others answers. e.g. ‘Do you agree?’ ‘How would you improve that answer?’ ‘Can you summarise what has been said so far?’ ‘How did Josh know the answer to that?’ John Leggott College