论文阅读与评价 Paper 2 文秋芳 中国外语教育研究中心 2008 年 7 月. By Carol A. Fraser Reading Rate in L1 Mandarin Chinese and L2 English Across Five Reading Tasks.


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Presentation transcript:

论文阅读与评价 Paper 2 文秋芳 中国外语教育研究中心 2008 年 7 月

By Carol A. Fraser Reading Rate in L1 Mandarin Chinese and L2 English Across Five Reading Tasks

Topics to be covered Research questions Variables Justification of the current study

Research questions Q1:Is there a difference in reading rate (L1 vs. L2) for each of the five tasks? If so, the same across all the tasks? Q2:Is there a difference (L1 vs. L2) in task performance on the scanning, skimming, learning and memorizing tasks? Q3:Are there group differences (Canada group vs. China group)?

Variables Independent variables Control variables Moderator variable Dependent variables

Task typesLanguage typesGroup types Independent Variables Learning Scanning Skimming Rauding Memorizing Canada Group China Group L 1 (Chinese) L 2 (English) normal reading

Reading rateTask performance Dependent Variables

Language orderPassage order Control Variables

Moderator variable — L2 proficiency Examine the impact of L2 proficiency on L2 reading rate and task performance, The listening scores of CELT used as a covariate

Variables Independent variables Control variables Moderator variable Dependent variables

Reading rate reflecting reading fluency: an important issue for many ESOL students. English speakers of other languages Justifications

A considerable gap in L1/L2 reading rates for the majority of L2 readers Difficult to interpret the extent and significance of the observed L1/L2 reading rate gap Little research done on the nature of the reading performance behavior among L2 learners

Justifications Little research done on the relationship between the reading rates and reading performance Previous studies on reading rate confining to one task type

Some related terms Reading fluency Hierarchy of five tasks

Reading fluency “ The ability to read text rapidly, smoothly, effortlessly and automatically with little attention to the mechanics of reading such as decoding ” (Meyer, 1999, p. 284).

Types of reading Scanning Lexical access or word recognition component of reading SkimmingLexical access and semantic encoding Rauding Normal reading. sentence integration in addition to lexical access and semantic encoding LearningRemembering the ideas in the text read Memorizing Being able to recall the information accurately

Research design Participants Measures Procedures Data collection Questions

Participants Native speakers of Mandarin Chinese Learning English as an L2

Canada GroupChina Group Differences Number45(14 M, 27 F)50(11 M, 39 F) Major VaryEnglish Grade First through fourth year In their third year L2 context Exposure to L2 community No exposure Experiences abroad 4 months to12.5 years No experiences abroad Similarities Similar characteristics in English language proficiency Average years of undergraduate study

Much greater variability within the Canada Group than the China Group

Measures CELT: Form A, listening portion 10 short expository texts from TOEFL Various measures used to match the difficulty level of the passages Microsoft word 2000 – counts, average, readability statistics Performance measures of five tasks: * Can the listening portion alone test the language proficiency on the whole?

Performance measures TypesMeasures Task 1ScanningWord recognition Task 2SkimmingInformation identified Task 3RaudingNo requirement Task 4LearningMultiple-choice Qs Task 5MemorizingRecalling

Data Collection Two Phases: CELT scores L2 proficiency Research booklets of tasks reading rate and task performances

The order counterbalanced The order of presentation was counterbalanced for both language (L1 or L2) and passage (PA or PB)

Task 1 AB L2A L2B L1AL1B L1A L2B L2B L1A L2A L1B L1B L2A L1A L2B L2B L1A L2A L1B L1B L2A

Data analysis Descriptive statistics A repeated measures ANOVA ( 单因素重复测量方 差分析) used to compare the reading rates and task performance of the two groups of native speakers of Mandarin Chinese in their L1 and L2 across five different reading tasks A repeated measures ANCOVA( 单因素协方差重 复测量分析 ) applied to the L2 rate variables and multivariate ANCOVA (多因素协方差重复测量分 析) applied to the performance variables

Results Measures on Reading Rate (Table 1) Repeated measures ANOVA applied to compare L1 to L2 reading rates across the five tasks (Table 2)

Q1: Is there a difference in reading rates (L1 vs. L2 for each of the five tasks? In general, the task rates in both the L1and L2 reading conditions followed the faster to slower hierarchy The Chinese participants in this study read faster in the L1 (Chinese) condition than in the L2 (English) condition on all five tasks.

The differences or changes in reading rate from L1 to L2 passages were for the most part not the same between tasks. There was more change in reading rates between pairs of tasks in the L1 than in the L2. Q1: Is this difference the same across all tasks?

Higher scores on the performance measures in their L1 than their L2 tasks except the multiple-choice questions attached to the learning task Greatest differences between L1 and L2 performance measures in the skimming and memorizing tasks Q2: Is there a difference (L1 vs. L2) in task performance on the scanning, skimming, learning and memorizing tasks?

Q3: Are there group differences in reading rate? The Canada group had less difference in L1/L2 reading rates than the China group. The China Group read faster on all L1 reading Tasks than the Canada Group.

Q3: Are there group differences in task Performance across four reading tasks? The China group had higher scores than the Canada group on all measures except the L2 recall task. The Canada group demonstrated a much smaller difference in their L1/L2 recall scores than the China group.

Problems in design Independent variables Language types Task types Group types Language proficiency

Problems in design Dependent variables Reading rate Performance measures

Problems in writing: title Reading rate Reading rate and task performance In L1 mandarin Chinese and L2 English Across five reading tasks.

Problems in writing: Structure  Literature review  Method  participants  measures  procedures  research design research question  data analysis & results  Discussion and conclusions  Literature review  Research question  Research design Participants materials Data collection Data analysis  Results and discussions  Conclusions

Results Performance measures for the two groups (Table 3) (An error in the time of the table) Repeated measues ANOVAs applied separately to each of the four pformance variables to compare L1 to L2 performance (Table 4).

二、 论文写作 写作态度 论文选题 论文结构 文献部分

三、论文分析与评价演示 开头需说明分工情况 回答 6 个问题,但次序不固定 报告人的分工尽量均匀 重点要放在评价上,要控制每人报告的 时间 分析与评价可以分开做,也可以结合起 来做

Task distribution Research questions Variables Zhang Huimei Justification Research Design — Xu Songhui Data analysis and Results — Ding Fuyan Interpretation and comment — GaoShaofen