MODULE 3 – Topic 305 Toolkit for Learners who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Module 3: Assessing and Monitoring Student Progress Culturally Sensitive Procedures
The Progress Monitoring Team Must... Use measures free of linguistic and racial bias Ensure concerns are not due to lack of English proficiency Use validated tests that measure what they say they are measuring Therefore… MODULE 3 – Topic 305 2
Factors that Impact ELLs’ Assessment Results Bias inherent in the test Mismatch between the language/culture of the examiner and that of student Student experience with testing practices and exposure to the materials being tested Student ability to comprehend test instructions and the materials tested due to limited proficiency in English How the results are interpreted Also see Handout 305a for more details about the factors MODULE 3 – Topic 305 3
Procedures to Follow in Evaluation Each public agency must ensure that tests and other evaluation materials used to assess a child: do not discriminate on racial/cultural basis are provided and administered in the child’s native language or other mode of communication unless it is clearly not feasible to do so are selected and administered to ensure that they measure the extent to which an LEP child has learning difficulties rather than measuring the child’s English language skills Reference: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 MODULE 3 – Topic 305 4
6 Issues to Consider in ELL Assessment 1.Use of multiple assessment measures 2.The sensitivity of assessments to how students learn 3.Degree to which accommodations/ modifications are based on student need 4.Instrument bias and stereotypes 5.How and when the strategies for assessment are reviewed and updated 6.Degree to which assessment results are used for improving instruction Also see Handout 305b MODULE 3 – Topic 305 5
Progress Monitoring through RtI When evaluating an ELL’s response to intervention, the following should be considered: –Compare to similar peers (same culture, near same age, similar history in American schools) –Graphs of acquisition rate and academic performance –Compare performance to peers receiving the SAME instruction. MODULE 3 – Topic 305 6
ELL Performance Example MODULE 3 – Topic 305 7
Peer Comparison #1 MODULE 3 – Topic 305 8
Peer Comparison #2 MODULE 3 – Topic 305 9
Peer Comparison #3 MODULE 3 – Topic
What’s next? What conclusions can be drawn based upon the performance of Maria compared to the performance of her peers? Are these significant data which can be used to inform future interventions and resistance to prior interventions? How would you proceed?? MODULE 3 – Topic
A key to the unbiased assessment of ELLs is to look beyond communication in social settings to examine educational history, measure language proficiency/use, observe behavior, interview parents, adapt testing conditions as appropriate, and be aware of what instruments actually are measuring. MODULE 3 – Topic