ASCD Education Collection Who can use it? What is it? Where is it? When can it be used? Why use it?
Who can use it? All RRISD staff RRISD parents RRISD students
What is it? ASCD, formerly Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 66 Professional education titles Searchable by topic, author, or title
Where is it? WWW – wherever you need it! ◦ Password required outside RRISD Links from RRISD home page, Teacher Resources pages, campus Research Resource pages, Library Services home page
When can it be used? 24/7 Content can be ◦ Saved as *.pdf ◦ Downloaded as MP3 ◦ ed ◦ Translated ◦ Read aloud
Why use it? Target specific professional growth topics Book studies Share philosophy with parents Stretch campus resources – no cost to campus
How does it work? Locate by author/title list
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