Financial mathematics, 16/ , KTH Per-Olov Åsén, Risk Modeling and Quantitative Analysis
2 Outline Introduction to hedge funds Valuation –Simple derivatives –Other derivatives Risk –Why? –How?
3 Introduction What is a hedge fund? –Absolute return –Low correlation with other markets –Allows investment in derivatives –Speculation and/or –Hedging (reduce risk)
4 Introduction What is a hedge fund? –Absolute return –Low correlation with other markets –Allows investment in derivatives –Speculation and/or –Hedging (reduce risk) Simplest building blocks –Equity, (stock, partial ownership in company) –Long (buy) or short (sell). –Note: Short an equity means selling an equity you don’t own by first borrowing it.
5 Example: market neutral long/short equity fund Find equity you like Find equity you don’t like (in same sector) Go long in first equity and equally short in second equity Ex. buy 1000 SEK Microsoft (M), borrow=>sell 1000 SEK Apple (A) –Initial investment :1000 (M) – 1000 (A) = 0 SEK –Value in rising market: –M => 1100, A => 1050: Value = 1100 – 1050 = 50 SEK –Value in falling market: –M => 900, A => 850: Value =900 – 850 = 50 SEK Positive return as long as first equity does better than second equity Leverage
6 Derivatives Contract which depends on some underlying quantity, e.g. an equity, a commodity etc.
7 Derivatives Contract which depends on some underlying quantity, e.g. an equity, a commodity etc. Equity forward –Contract stating that: At time T>0 in the future, you buy the equity S for price K.
8 Derivatives Contract which depends on some underlying quantity, e.g. an equity, a commodity etc. Equity forward –Contract stating that: At time T>0 in the future, you buy the equity S for price K. Value today?
9 Derivatives
10 Derivatives
11 Derivatives
12 Derivatives
13 Derivatives
14 Derivatives Much more complex derivatives exist such as: –Barrier options, digital barrier options, worst of options, one touch options, swaps, options on swaps (swaptions), credit default swaps etc.
15 Derivatives Much more complex derivatives exists such as: –Barrier options, digital barrier options, worst of options, one touch options, swaps, options on swaps (swaptions), credit default swaps etc. Value today?
16 Derivatives Much more complex derivatives exists such as: –Barrier options, digital barrier options, worst of options, one touch options, swaps, options on swaps (swaptions), credit default swaps etc. Value today? Obtained by numerical simulation –Solve Black-Scholes or other model using e.g. finite differences. –Monte Carlo for path dependent derivatives. Simulate many possible paths of the equity and compute price for each path.
17 Risk Market risk Liquidity risk Credit risk Operational risk
18 Risk: Why? Long-Term Capital Management: –Hegde fund founded 1994 –Myron S. Scholes, Robert C. Merton (Nobel Prize 1997, BS) –Very successfull first years (20-40 % per year) –Highly leveraged.
19 Risk: Why? Long-Term Capital Management: –Hedge fund founded 1994 –Myron S. Scholes, Robert C. Merton (Nobel Prize 1997, BS) –Very successfull first years (20-40 % per year) –Highly leveraged –1998 Russia defaults. Over $4 billion in losses. Fund closed.
20 Risk: Why? Metallgesellshaft AG –One of Germany’s largest industrial companies: employees –Sold long term (5-10 year) fixed price oil & gasoline contracts –Hedged by short term future contracts –1993, fall in oil prices –Cash drain threatened liquidity –Closed hedges at $1.3 billion loss –Hedges meant to reduce risk resulted in huge losses
21 Risk: How?
22 Risk: VaR Historical Simulation –Using e.g. the last 200 days, construct 200 possible tomorrows by applying the historical returns on today. –Evalute the portfolio for each of the 200 possible tomorrows. –95% VaR obtained from the 11th worst outcome, so that 5% of the 200 outcomes are worse. –Requires full evaluation for each of the 200 possible tomorrows. Can be expensive.
23 Risk: VaR Historical Simulation –Using e.g. the last 200 days, construct 200 possible tomorrows by applying the historical returns on today. –Evalute the portfolio on each of the 200 possible tomorrows. –95% VaR obtained from the 11th worst outcome, so that 5% of the 200 outcomes are worse. –Requires full evaluation on each of the 200 possible tomorrows. Can be expensive. Monte Carlo Simulation –Similar to historical, but thousands of possible tomorrows are constructed from a model. –Even more expensive.
24 Risk: VaR Historical Simulation –Using e.g. the last 200 days, construct 200 possible tomorrows by applying the historical returns on today. –Evalute the portfolio on each of the 200 possible tomorrows. –95% VaR obtained from the 11th worst outcome, so that 5% of the 200 outcomes are worse. –Requires full evaluation on each of the 200 possible tomorrows. Can be expensive. Monte Carlo Simulation –Similar to historical, but thousands of possible tomorrows are constructed from a model. –Even more expensive. Parametric models –Compute sensitivities w.r.t. risk factors and estimates VaR from this. –Typically cheaper. –Works well on linear instruments.
25 Risk: stress testing Important complement to VaR. Evaluate the portfolio for a number of (unfavourable) scenarios. Scenarios may be –Historical events: –2008 financial crisis –9/ –Hypothetical scenarios: –All equities up/down 20%, 50% –All interest rates up/down 1%, 5% Ensure stability during extreme events not captured by VaR.
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