Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) Presented by: Craig K. Harmon NCITS T20, Convener.


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Presentation transcript:

Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) Presented by: Craig K. Harmon NCITS T20, Convener

Agenda Introductions Review NCITS Procedures Review Approved Work Item Distinction between RFID & RTLS Consistency between T6 & T20 Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Project Editor Scope of Standard Business Case for RTLS Applications New Business Schedule of Future Meetings

Review of NCITS Procedures Deborah Donovan

Intellectual Property ANSI patent policy - Inclusion of Patents in American National Standards There is no objection in principle to drafting a proposed American National Standard in terms that include the use of a patented item, if it is considered that technical reasons justify this approach. If the Institute receives a notice that a proposed American National Standard may require the use of a patented invention, the procedures in through shall be followed Statement from patent holder Prior to approval of such a proposed American National Standard, the Institute shall receive from the identified party or patent holder (in a form approved by the Institute) either: assurance in the form of a general disclaimer to the effect that such party does not hold and does not currently intend holding any invention the use of which would be required for compliance with the proposed American National Standard or assurance that: d) a license will be made available without compensation to the applicants desiring to utilize the license for the purpose of implementing the standard; or e) a license will be made available to applicants under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination Record of statement Notice Responsibility for identifying patents ANSI Procedures for the Development and Coordination of American National Standards, 2000

Intellectual Property (a)A license shall be made available without compensation to applicants desiring to utilize the license for the purpose of implementing the standard or, (b)A license shall be made available to applicants under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination. (c)An assurance of non-assertion will be filed with the Patent Office by the effective date of ANSI approval of the listed standard.

Review Approved Work Item SD3

Item Management Requires the identification of the item, e.g., RFID Requires the location of the item, e.g., RTLS

Positioning versus Locating Positioning Systems define your current position, e.g., GPS (Global Positioning System) Locating Systems define the location of an asset or something remote, e.g., ULD (Unit Load Device) Locating System

Consistency Between T6 and T20 NCITS T6 (Radio Frequency Identification) used as a model the work of IEEE Users want interoperable networks, not separate networks for each technology NCITS T20 needs to build on the work of NCITS 256 and IEEE and not create yet something new

Committee Management Chair (leadership training required) Vice-chair (leadership training required) Secretary (leadership training desirable) Project Editor (leadership training desirable) International Representative –Work of W5 (February 2001) –JTC 1 Joint Steering Group (JSG) on Spatial Standardization and Related Interoperability –(leadership training required) Vocabulary Rapporteur

Scope A networked location system that provides X-Y coordinates and data telemetry utilizing a device that autonomously generates a spread spectrum radio frequency beacon that can be received at a minimum of 300 meters open field separation between the transmitter and receiver and is fully compliant with global radio frequency regulatory requirements. RTLS will allow the user to locate, track and manage assets within the infrastructure of the system on a real time basis. The average location data provided by the RTLS are within 3 meters of the actual location of the transmitting device. The RF transmissions are low power, compatible with, and do not interfere with existing standardized wireless communication networks.

Business Case What user need(s) does RTLS solve?

New Business 1.

Schedule & Future Meetings There is no reason why standards need to take years to develop, technology changes faster than that Frequency of meetings Schedule of meetings Location of meetings Hosts for meetings

Thank You!