Optical and Scene Networks Cape Romain NWR, SC October 15, 2014 John V. Molenar Air Resource Specialists, Inc.
Significant Changes SOPs/TIs Only visit nephelometer sites that have gaseous monitoring Do not visit other nephelometer sites No extra money in budget for R&D or special analyses, data reporting, etc. Optical Data Nephelometer data through 06/30/2014 delivered to NPS/CIRA in September, 2014
Optical & Webcam Networks: 10/15/2014 Network TransmissometersNephelometersWebcams and Exhibits RemoteUrbanRemoteUrban Arizona (4)-1-38 NPS (12) Wyoming (0) Colorado (4)-2-21 USFS (1) Midwest Hazecam (0) CAMNET (0) Totals
Future of Optical Network Nephelometer b sp data has been used for: 1 - trends 2 - IMPROVE scattering equation Convene workshop to discuss options to justify continuing nephelometer network 1 - with changing aerosol composition re-examine IMPROVE equation 2 - new inlet m 3 - calibrate visibility metrics from digital images (Bill’s talk) 4 - ????
In 2006, the National Park Service (NPS) adopted a policy to “preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the natural lightscapes of parks, which are natural resources and values that exist in the absence of human-caused light.” In addition, the policy states that the NPS will “minimize light that emanates from park facilities, and also seek the cooperation of park visitors, neighbors, and local government agencies to prevent or minimize the intrusion of artificial light into the night scene of the ecosystems of parks.”
Bryce Canyon Camera System Installed September 2013 (solar powered, cellular telemetry site) Damaged by vandals or wind event June 2014, repaired August 2014 Images being captured and archived for future analysis No NPS web site presentation at the present time Night Sky Images – Canon T2i View to the southwest toward St. George Hourly during moonless nights Raw and JPEG formats Daytime Images–Canon T3i provided by Park View to the east 30 minute capture interval JPEG only