Art vs Craft Art is an opportunity for children to explore art media with no external product goal - no samples of what the product is to look like when finished.Art is an opportunity for children to explore art media with no external product goal - no samples of what the product is to look like when finished. –Child Directed = they are given the supplies and told an idea and then let loose to create. Ie: create an elephant out of these materials. Craft activities require that the children produce something that is similar or exactly the same. They are showed an end result, told what materials to use, told what to do, and how to do it.Craft activities require that the children produce something that is similar or exactly the same. They are showed an end result, told what materials to use, told what to do, and how to do it. –Child wants theirs to look like the one you showed them instead of creating their own unique product. –Black line (ie: coloring books) copies fall under this category.
WHAT CAN ART DO FOR CHILDREN? It is therapeutic – can be an expression of strong feelings. A means to express self – interest, perceptions and style. –Children are not yet under the constraints of realism. –They feel free to represent in their art what matters to them. –Shows the uniqueness of child’s identity. Gives them a sense of accomplishment. –What if they ask you to do it for them?
WHAT CAN ART DO FOR CHILDREN? Cont’d Gives them a heightened awareness and appreciation of the beauty of the visual world. Helps them organize and understand the world. Visual thinking helps intellectual and emotional development. –Art is a record of growth and the child’s unique way of relating to the world.
HOW TO TEACH ART: Each child should feel that his art is taken seriously, understood, commented on and appreciated. –It sometimes seems funny but remember the intention is serious. Don’t judge or inhibit spontaneous expression.
HOW TO TEACH ART: Cont’d How to respond: –What does it represent? –Tell me about it. –How is it organized? –What is it about? –Where does the idea come from?
HOW TO TEACH ART: Cont’d Free choice – develops independence No lessons –Picasso said we should learn to draw like a child – they teach us to be fresh and spontaneous.
HOW TO TEACH ART: Cont’d Remember it is the Process not the Product that is important.
HOW TO TEACH ART: Cont’d Expect a mess –Help child feel safe with a mess by always wearing smocks if needed. –Encourage children to try using materials in different ways. “I wonder if the bottom side of the crayon will work the same way as the pointed end”. –Get excited about their discoveries and share your own discoveries as you work along with them.
STAGES OF ART Scribbling: Begins at 18 months, usually zig zags, by 3 uses shapes in scribbling.
STAGES OF ART: Cont’d Pre-schematic: 4 year olds try to represent things, colors not realistic.
STAGES OF ART: Cont’d Schematic: About age 7 – like to represent forms.
STAGES OF ART: Cont’d Schematic continued: –Sex differences at this age. What do boys draw? What do girls draw?
STAGES OF ART: Cont’d Realism: About age 9, smaller, more details, don’t want to show work, often get discouraged. Why?
WHAT IS CREATIVITY? Elaboration: Ability to expand on ideas –“What if fish could fly?” Originality: Ability to create unique, clever responses. –Invent an interesting way to keep a cobweb collection. Problem Solving: Ability to sense solutions and problems. –You don’t have a paint brush, but you have paint.
WHAT IS CREATIVITY? Cont’d Fluency: The ability to produce numerous ideas, word, symbols and relationships. –Make a list of sticky things to eat. –List what you would take to Mars. –List how you would get to school without getting wet in the rain without an umbrella? –List pink things that are fun. Flexibility: Ability to change the mode of a response. –List ways to use chewing gum wrappers. –List how Lucy and Charlie Brown are alike.
ART ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN: ART PROJECTS Cooked play dough Goofy Goop Texture pictures with sand paper & crayons Light Table Tissue paper Art Tie Die Art
ART ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN: Cont’d Wire Whip & Fly Swatter Art Paint Roller Art Salad Spinner Art Colored Bubbles Eye Dropper Art Painted Toast
ART ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN: Cont’d Sweetened Condensed Milk Art Foam Art Gelatin Giggles Collage Art
Art Lesson Plan
Magnet Painting Rubber Band Painting Fabric and cotton on a stick Paint Bombs Paint Rollers Wire whisk Tissue on paper-squirt with water Color on sandpaper, and iron White pasta, make snowflakes Spray bottles in snow, mix colors Tape tongue depressors, Draw pic's and make a puzzle Graphing on shower curtain Wands-Hangers and Tissue paper TP tubes with ribbon PVC pipes and sensory tables Berry Baskets and Hole Punches
Play Dough Cereal Art Spaghetti Art Bubble Gum Art String Art Leaf Print- Dip in paint and print Tissue on paper and squirt with water Color on sand paper and bake to melt Punch out on paper and brush over Strainer Warming Tray Hand Christmas Tree Cup Cake liners- Snowman, flowers Popsicle sticks: Flowers and Triangle Cornflake Wreath Ball with glued tissue paper and glitter
Salt Dough Ornaments Cinnamon Sticks rubbed on and cut out as ornaments Squirt Shaving Cream on Laminated Santa Face Finger Painting Mix Colors- charts Shaving Cream on bag to mix colors Eye Droppers Spray bottles in snow to mix colors Soak tongue depressor in food coloring, dry-mix Shaving Cream Weave Plastic mat in slits-Chicken wire, cardboard and yarn Lacing Cards- lace with yarn, pipe cleaner, or shoelaces Tape tongue depressors, draw pictures, then make into puzzle