Step 1: Pick 6 light colored tissue paper squares, approximately 4 in x 4 in. Use the glue stick to cover the white paper, one section of the sheet at a time so the glue doesn't dry before the students are ready (but enough glue so the entire square will adhere to the paper). Then lightly press the tissue papers to the white sheet. Make sure they are not using the glue directly on the tissue paper as it is too delicate to rub with a glue stick. It is also too delicate to cut on its own without the white paper backing.
Step 4: Once all 6 tissue squares are glued to the sheet, use markers to decorate the tissue squares in colorful patterns. Pressing down too hard on the tissue paper will cause it to tear. Show The Art of Eric Carle book cover and various examples of his art to the students so they can see different types of patterns. The patterns should be simple- lines, diagonal lines, squiggly lines, dots, etc. The students should stay away from shapes like hearts, stars, etc.
Step 3: Pass out the caterpillar templates and scissors. Groups of students can share a template set. Each segment is labeled 1-6 to indicate the order from the head to the tail. Using a pencil, trace and cut out each segment. The caterpillar segments are in gradually smaller sizes to indicate the worm from head to toe. Alternatively, they can lightly write the numbers on a corner of each tissue paper to help them remember the order. Even though the templates have the numbers written on them, ask the students to not write the numbers in the middle of their squares. Otherwise, their caterpillar will be decorated with a number on it!
Step 4: At this point, they must use white glue to ensure the artwork is permanent. Cut out the segments. Glue the caterpillar collage pieces together on the front of the manila folders. Using their tissue square scraps, they can draw and cut out 2 large circles for eyes, 1 small circle for a nose, and 2 large antenna. Use markers to add fuzz on its back and feet on its underside. They may also color in the eyes, nose, and antenna if they did not use extra decorated tissue paper in step 3.
Using bright, bold capital letters, write “THE ART OF _______” Fill in their name.