Poetry to Enjoy! Focus: Voice and Word Choice So Much Depends on… Poetry to Enjoy! Focus: Voice and Word Choice
Writing Traits to Consider Voice: Rank these five skills against each other, from 5 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My writing style reveals a lot about my personality. My word choice skills sound natural, not forced. My writing comes across as honest and convincing. My writing attempts to connect with my audience. My attitude about my topic is obvious Word Choice Post-it: Rank these five skills against each other, from 5 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My adjectives are thoughtful and fit my descriptions. I chose verbs that both show and tell my reader information. My specific use of nouns make my details more memorable. Figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.) feels natural. I take risks with words; I don’t just use predictable ones.
The Red Wheelbarrow By William Carlos Williams so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens. Why would so much depend on that, Mr. Williams
You Will Never Know by Kamryn, second grade writer So much depends upon chocolate fudge hunks of cake with ice cream with thick yummy frosting also with a bunch of M & Ms on top with yellow and green gumballs too with cherry red and orangey orange Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies with candy balloons too I'm sorry it's so deliciously yummy You will never know.
Life on this Planet by Blake, third grade poet So much depends upon The steaming hot sun The earth's crust breaking Life on this planet Without these three gleaming stars In the sky We would be nothing Nothing at all Just ash floating upon space Waiting for a new planet I know this because it is coming From this day forward consider this Watch your back
The Little Blue Boat by Taylor, fifth grade poet So much depends Upon A little blue Boat Taking me to Possibilities And many new Adventures New sights, smells, and waves of Solvable mysteries Every day so unpredictable and with A future ahead Twists and turns, new friendships, and creations Fear nothing and always look ahead Keep trying, don't look back and Keep an eye out for the little blue boat.
So Much Depends Upon by Romeo, sixth grade poet So much depends Upon inspiration Eyes so curious So watchful and alert Curious eyes always moving Entering, retaining images Ears listening always alert Willing to listen and learn Our nose picks up smells and judges aromas Smells as sweet as sugar cubes Sour just like lemonade All of these senses help Your mind burst With imagination and That my friend is the Everyday duty of Inspiration.
Write your own 16 word poem… First four words… So much depends on… Be sure you can answer: Why does so much depend on that??? so much depends upon ___________ _____________ ______________ ___________ ___________ .
Don’t forget to EDIT! Conventions: Write your editors’ names in four of the five blanks below: My spelling was looked over by __________. My “end punctuation” was looked over by ____________. My commas and apostrophes were looked over by _______. My capitalization was looked over by _____________. My grammar was looked over by _____________.