February 2014 LCCU Meeting We’ll answers members’ questions: –How can you crop or resize images and make them less fuzzy, for use in Word or a desktop publishing program like Printshop? We will use Picasa and GIMP to edit them. We'll also crop, rotate and adjust lighting. –Update on connecting your computer to a TV and/or streaming movies or videos to the TV.
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Editing Images Software: –Picasa for XP/Vista/7 or Install Picasa on Windows 8Picasa for XP/Vista/7Install Picasa on Windows 8 –GIMP & GIMP Plug-in Registry –GIMPGIMP Plug-in Registry To install scripts, copy.scm file to /.gimp- 2.8/scripts for current user only, or on Win 7 64-bit PC, to C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\GIMP\2.0\scripts for all users. To find folder to install other items downloaded from registry – go to Edit, Preference, Folders tab, click plus sign.
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Editing Images Work order: –Rotate, crop and resize image. –Adjust lighting and color. –Adjust sharpness.
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Editing Images Reasons to resize: –To send by or display on screen, in web page. –To eliminate unwanted background, straightening. Lighting problems: –Subject is too dark (backlit) or too light (flash, snow). –Entire photo is too dark, too light or has only midtones. Reasons why fuzzy: –Out of focus, cropped small, old film photo. –Lacks contrast due to lighting problems.
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Editing Images Lighting problems: –Subject is too dark – Jeremy, NCFF-V, JudyTomJim –Subject is too light – WaldenBySarah, Campfire –Entire photo is too dark – NCFF-V, WaldenBike –Entire photo too light - DaleWalden –Entire photo only midtones – AndMarsh, BurningMan Only fuzzy: –Out of focus - WaldenPalmPilot. –Old film photo - WaldenDonny.
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Editing Images in Picasa –Duplicate – Save a copy & place next to original. –Crop image – select Crop, aspect ratio, starting borders, drag borders to refine, click Apply. –Straighten if needed. –Resize – File, Export Picture to Folder, select # pixels. –Adjust lighting and color (in resized version) Try “I’m Feeling Lucky”, etc. Undo if it doesn’t help Fill-light slider, 2 nd tab, Highlight & Shadows sliders One-click fix for color on 2 nd tab. –Adjust sharpness – under 3 rd tab, Sharpen, adjust slider.
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Editing Images in GIMP –To work from a copy: Image, Duplicate. –Rotate Multiples of 90 – Image, Transform, select rotation. Free rotation – Toolbox, Rotate tool, Tool Options-Corrective –Crop image Toolbox, Crop tool (scalpel), draw rectangle. Tool Options – Fixed, maintains aspect ratio. –Resize Image, Scale Image, then Image, Zoom
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Editing Images in GIMP –Adjust lighting and color Colors, Brightness Contrast - move sliders Colors, Levels - adjust black & white point input sliders Colors, Curves – click to set points and drag to c- or s-shape –Adjust sharpness – use one of the following: Filters, Enhance, Unsharp mask Filters, AK, LAB Sharpen (download from GIMP Registry).AK, LAB Sharpen Filters, Generic, High Pass Filter (download from Registry), then change top Layer’s Mode to Overlay or Hard Light.High Pass Filter Create 3 duplicate layers, set modes, top to bottom, to Screen, Overlay and Multiply; change order if it helps.
February 2014 LCCU Meeting Streaming Video to your TV Consumer Reports, March 2014: –Streaming Media Player and Services Buying GuideStreaming Media Player and Services Buying Guide –Recommended Streaming Media Players and Serivces.Recommended Streaming Media Players and Serivces. –Streaming Media Players & Services RatingsStreaming Media Players & Services Ratings More from Consumer reports –Blu-Ray Player Buying GuideBlu-Ray Player Buying Guide –Recommended Blu-ray PlayersRecommended Blu-ray Players