Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia WP3: QA/QC Validation – MSFD Interactions current status EMODnet Chemistry Partner contribution: ISPRA
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry QA/QC Validation: ● Collection of reference documentation with extended bibliography on QA/QC, now available on extranet, ● Draft proposal of a Questionnaire based on ISO/IEC 17025:2005 on the status of QA/QC implementation rules on data set, MSFD interactions: ● Participation to new established TG Data of Common Implementation Strategy of MSFD for Descriptor 5 – Eutrophication and D8 – Contaminants, ● Relation with Regional Sea Conventions (HELCOM, OSPAR, BARCELONA) WP3 Summary
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry General setting for QA/QC validation for WP3: ● Some QCs are currently being performed ex-post by Regional data collector in order to produce aggregation and DIVA interpolation maps ● Spikes, outlier ● Lack of data on geographic coordinates, depth, etc.. ● Missing values or values below limit of detection WP3 approach mainly on QC and also QA performed ex-ante by data provider
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Collection of reference documentation (1): ● Commission Directive 2009/90/EC of 31 July 2009 laying down, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD), technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status,sediment and biota ● United Nations - A practical guidebook for meeting the requirements of laboratory accreditation schemes based on ISO 17025:2005, ● UNEP/MAP/MED POL - Sampling And Analysis Techniques for the Eutrophication Monitoring Strategy of MED POL, ● Black Sea SCENE Project - Data Quality Control guidelines for physical parameters and for Black Sea biological data – phytoplankton -
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Collection of reference documentation (2): ● Commission Regulation No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs ● Commission Regulation No 835/2011 of 19 August 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in foodstuffs, More contributes needed!
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Draft proposal of a Questionnaire based on ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (1): ● General questions of laboratory QA/QC according to 17025:2005 (qualified personnel, equipment calibration, use of standard or published methods, accuracy, precision, limit of detection and quantification ● General questions to all matrices (code lists of vocabularies, CAS Number, Cruise ID’s/ Geographic area/ Organisation/Research, Station Names- coordinates, Sampling method and storage, Analytical method, Limit of detection/limit of determination, Uncertainty, Units (preferred EMODNet Chemistry), Reference Materials-intercalibration
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Draft proposal of a Questionnaire based on ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (2): Questions specific for matrices ● Seawater ● Sample type with indication of total, dissolved or particulate fraction ● Method of Filtration ● Biota ● Species (species must match to the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS) or ITIS (Taxonomic Information System), maximum range for age, length and weight of species ● Number of Individuals in biota samples ● Tissue ● Sediment ● Grain size of the fractionated sample
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry TG Data of Common Implementation Strategy of MSFD chaired by EEA (relevant for EMODNet Chemistry on Descriptor 5 – Eutrophication and D8 – Contaminants): Accessing data and information according to MSFD Art. 19.3, in the context of WISE-Marine and associated to INSPIRE, EMODnet, and other relevant processes and projects; Geographic handling and visualization of reported information; Technical development of WISE-Marine, including linkages to other reporting requirements (e.g. for Regional Sea Conventions, Water Framework Directive and the Nature Directives), and preparation of dissemination products, including mapped information; Technical development of decentralised reporting methods and systems.
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Meeting of TG Data on April 2014 on Eutrophication and Contaminants: General presentation of EMODNet Chemistry by me; DIVA interpolation very useful for MSFD applications (data need to be “spatialized” in order to be compared with other environmental information layers) but needs to be discussed in depth in order to be “adopted”. Biogeochemical models should also be involved? Could be DIVA integrated with them? And if yes, How? Period of time: initial assessment until 2012, then every six years Review of data flows on chemical monitoring parameter on nutrients and contaminants provided by MS with EIONET, RSCs, WFD and so on, according to different D5 and D8 indicators
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Meeting of TG Data on April 2014 on Eutrophication and Contaminants: General presentation of EMODNet Chemistry by me; Review of data flows on chemical monitoring parameter on nutrients and contaminants provided by MS with EIONET, RSCs, WFD and so on, according to different D5 and D8 indicators MS will be requested to take position on how monitoring data present and future (MSFD monitoring programmes should start on 15 th July and communicated to EC on 15 th October 2014) will be made available to EC and EEA. QA/QC implementation in EMODNet Chemistry (ex ante and ex- post) very important to distinguish data relevant for MSFD implementation
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Meeting of TG Data on April 2014 on Eutrophication and Contaminants: INSPIRE compliance of EMODNet Chemistry portal Can MS use EMODNet Chemistry in order to be compliant with INSPIRE for Nutrients and Contaminants data?
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry TG Data and relation with Regional Sea Conventions For Barcelona Convention on Mediterranean Sea: EC has started recently a MED-CIS programme to foster MSFD implementation for EU Mediterranean MS with involvement of Barcelona Convention (UNEP/MAP) UNEP/MAP Info-RAC for Data Management and Collection has never really started EMODNet Chemistry could also be a candidate platform for UNEP/MAP?