2 OUTLINE Part One: Obtain and build your Hardware Part Two: Set Up Your Operating System Part Three: Set Up PLEX
MOTIVATION In Home Entertainment taken on the go. Giving me the a place to have all my media Wanted to show how others can enjoy the experience. 3
4 INTRODUCTION I wanted to build a media centre for my home and family so that we could have all of our media together all on one device. DIY projects often times save money, allow for exact customization, and bring great satisfaction
5 PROBLEM STATEMENT Tons of media, no where to put it. Solving a way from buying an expensive machine to play all media.
6 ASSUMPTIONS Users need, or will utilize, all the features provided by this device Users have knowledge of Plex and PC construction Easy access to media Not difficult to build
7 PROPOSED SOLUTION HARDWARE: existing motherboard from pc with hard-drive, ram…etc. Materials to make custom case. Optional: Case fan, IR remote, Xbox controller
PROPOSED SOLUTION – MOBO. 8 HP motherboard. AMD duel core 2.3GHz. 4Gb ram. 250Gb hard-drive
9 PROPOSED SOLUTION OS Setup: Windows 7 Home Premium Is a great OS to run on Install Windows Install appropriate drivers: LAN and audio Adjust video settings Adjust fan/temperature options in BIOS Change power options: sleep instead of shutdown
10 PROPOSED SOLUTION Plex Setup: Run on startup, run in fullscreen Set up streaming and video add-ons Upload media Access My.Plexapp on mobile devices
11 RESULTS A complete custom media center was built for under $100 My media is now centralized to one area Streaming to different locations was achieved
12 CONCLUSIONS This project has driven me to build something that will be useful to me. I have learned so many things from task management to networking and pc construction
13 FUTURE WORK Implications: Adding more features to it as time goes on. Possible extensions: Include TV Tuner in PC to watch live TV Adding more fans to make use for the hockey table
REFERENCES Chin-Feng, L., Sung-Yen, C., Yueh-Min, H., Jong, P., & Han-Chieh, C. (2011). A portable UPnP-based high performance content sharing system for supporting multimedia devices. Journal Of Supercomputing, 55(2), doi: /s Doering, D. (2000). JES Media Ripper. Emedia Magazine, 13(8), 57. gordon, W. (2012, August 21). How I built the media center of my dreams for under $500. Retrieved from media-center-of-my-dreams-for-under-500?tag=xbmc Paul (2010, September 3). Ampache- for the love of darren's music. Retrieved from Thomas, N. (2011, August 13). The difference between Plex and xbmc. Retrieved from Twit (2012 July 26) Know How 4: Setting up a Media Server Retrieved March 10, 2013, from WEN-SYAN, L., AGRAWALAGRAWAL, D., CANDAN, K., AKCA, Y., & KANTARCIOGLU, M. (2007). VIRTUAL ACTIVE NETWORK FOR LIVE STREAMING MEDIA DELIVERY. Journal Of Interconnection Networks, 8(1), Whitson Gordon. (April 23, 2013). DRM-Free. In LifeHacker. Retrieved April 25, 2013, from without-pirating
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Those who gave advise and helped. The websites and videos that showed me how to build the machine The class for giving the opportunity and motive to build my machine 15