MPAT TE - 3 / CDW – 6 Detailed Schedule
Introduction to Odyssey-Mr. Lewis Forming the MNF / CTF- CDR Wohlschlegel Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- Lt Col Loftus Break Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Lawson Break Mission Analysis- Maj Holcomb Lunch Course of Action (COA) Development- Lt Col Loftus Break COA Analysis- Maj Holcomb COA Comparison- Maj Lawson Friday, 11 January 2002 Coalition Task Force (CTF) Seminar (For ROK and USFK CTF Personnel)
Introduction to Odyssey-Mr. Lewis Forming the MNF / CTF- CDR Wohlschlegel Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- Lt Col Loftus Break Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Lawson Break Mission Analysis- Maj Holcomb Lunch Course of Action (COA) Development- Lt Col Loftus Break COA Analysis- Maj Holcomb COA Comparison- Maj Lawson Saturday, 12 January 2002 Coalition Task Force (CTF) Seminar (For Interested Personnel, Especially New MPAT)
Friday and Saturday, January Concept and SOP Development Workshop (CDW-6) Workshop Plan: -One MPAT representative from each nation invited -Reach consensus on MPAT way-ahead -Singapore delegate give MPAT TE-4 Concept Brief - Reach consensus on plans for TE-4 -Review and discuss the draft MNF SOP (Workshop Focus) CDW-6 Facilitators: Col Ferrell - Ops CDR Wohlschlegel - Ops Mr. John Bratton - Lead Action Officer / MNF SOP SME Mr. Neil Duncan – COE HA/DR Lt Col Bollman – Intel LTC Peters - Civil Affairs MAJ Drose - Communications CDR Leetz - Logistics
Organization Meetings and Participants: MPAT TE-3 Registration - All MPAT TE-4 Coordination Meeting (Singapore & US Reps.) MPAT TE-3 Control Meeting for CECG personnel- CECG Korea Orientation and CTF Forming (All TE-3 participants): Welcome- Col Choi / Col Ferrell TE-3 and Scenario Brief - CDR Wohlschlegel / Mr. Miller, USCP Forming the CTF - CDR Wohlschlegel, USCP ROK Introduction / ROK Military / HA & DR Capabilities- ROK Break Planning Information Using Internet– Mr. Chan, USCP Odyssey Training (plenary) - Mr. Lewis, USCP Odyssey Training (small groups) - Mr. Lewis and Mr. Marvin Meeting for Co-Leaders (CPG & Staff Cell) - CDR Wohlschlegel ROK Hosted Social / Icebreaker - ROK Sunday, 13 January 2002
Opening Ceremony (ROK CJCS / USFK) Group Photo- ROK HA/DR Overview- LTC Peters, USCP UN Disaster Response Coordination- Mr. Kovar & Mr. Doyle, UNHCR UNHCR Situation Update and ROK Warning Order- COL Yang, COS Break Crisis Action Planning (Review)- Lt Col Loftus, USCP Mission Analysis (Review)- Maj Holcomb, USCP Staff Estimates: Facts, status, etc. (Staff planning cells) Lunch Public Health Planning Considerations- LTC Hastings, COE HA/DR NGOs In Complex Emergencies – Mr. Cobb, COE HA/DR Break Complete Mission Analysis (CPGs) Prepare Mission Analysis Brief (CPG Briefing Team) 1830 Informal Dinner / Social (Optional) Monday, 14 January 2002
Mission Analysis Brief to the CTF Commander- COS Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF Measures of Effectiveness - Mr. Cobb, COE HA/DR North East Asia Forum - Ms. Janis Koh Korean Red Cross - Ms. Gwiok Jung & Dr. Deug Keun Park Break COA Development (Review) - Lt Col Loftus, USCP UN Coordination in HA/DR - Mr. Kovar / Mr. Doyle, UNHCR Korean Disaster Response - TBD, MOGAHA Conduct COA Development (CPGs) Lunch Conduct COA Development (CPGs) Prepare Commander’s Initial COA Brief (Brief Build Team) COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) 1830 Informal Dinner / Social (Optional) Tuesday, 15 January 2002
Initial COA Brief to the Commander and Commander’s Planning Guidance Commander’s Planning Guidance COA Analysis (Review)- Maj Holcomb, USCP Break Complete COA Development and Prepare for COA Game Analysis Game Analysis COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) Lunch (MPAT hosted in the hotel, CTF room, buffet style) Prepare for COA Game Analysis (CPG-1 & 2) Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 3 (CPG-3 and COA Gaming Team) Gaming Team) ROK Hosted Cultural Activity- ROK ROK Hosted Dinner – ROK CJCS Wednesday, 16 January 2002 Note: Uniform is Civilian Casual for workshop and tour Bring Coat and Tie to put on for dinner (Civilian Informal)
COA Comparison (Review)- Maj Lawson, USCP Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-1 & 3) Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 2 (CPG-2 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) Break Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 1 (CPG-1 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-2 & 3) Lunch Prepare for COA Comparison (all CPGs) Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) Break Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) 1830 Informal Dinner / Social (Optional) Thursday, 17 January 2002
COA Decision Brief to the Commander- COS Commander’s Guidance- CCTF Commander’s Guidance- CCTF Break Conduct Staff Planning Cell Meetings, Prepare Staff Estimate Briefs (Staff Planning Cells) Staff Estimate Briefs (Staff Planning Cells) Lunch UN Perspective on the COA Gaming Discussions - UNHCR Staff Estimate Briefs- COS/Staff Planning Cell Briefers Break Computer COA Gaming/Modeling- CATS-TYR Computer COA Gaming/Modeling- OAB Break After Action Review (AAR)- COL Choi / Col Ferrell Closing Remarks- MG Lee / COL Stuart / Col Ferrell Friday, 18 January 2002
Airport Departure Operations Saturday, 19 January 2002 Sunday, 20 January Airport Departure Operations
Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) Info for workshop participants is placed on web: “ Or send to: Facilitating the Planning Process