Surrealism 1920s-30s Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, 1900 Andre Breton, The Surrealist Manifesto, 1924 Night-dream picture-puzzle Psychic automatismautomatism “There is a man cut in two by the window.”
René Magritte , Belgian
The Lovers, 1928
Attempting the impossible, 1928
The Collective Invention, 1933
Rape, 1934
In the praise of dialectics,
Song of love, 1948
Human condition, 1933
Salvador Dalí 1904, Catalonia, Spain-1989
Portrait of the artist’s father, 1925
Accommodations of Desires, 1929
Great masturbator, _the_great_masturbator
The persistence of memory, 1931
The great Paranoiac, 1936.
Metamorphosis of Narcissus 1937
André Masson, Automatic Drawings,
Invention of the Labyrinth, 1942
Pasiphaë, 1942
Giulio Romano, 16 th c
Pasiphaë, 1942
Pasiphaë, 1945
Meditation on an Oak Leaf. 1942