Frida Kahlo The Broken Column Symbolism/Surrealism
Frida Kahlo The Two Fridas Surrealism/Symbolism
Sally Mann Untitled (#1) From the Deep South Series American Photography
Sally Mann Fallen Child American Photography
Salvador Dali The Persistence of Memory Surrealism
Salvador Dali Swans Reflecting Elephants Surrealism
Rene Magritte The Son of Man Surrealism
Rene Magritte Golconda Surrealism
Rene Magritte The Lovers Surrealism
Henri Rousseau The Sleeping Gypsy Symbolism/Post- Impressionism
Henri Rousseau The Dream Post-Impressionism/ Symbolism
Marc Chagall I and the Village Surrealism
Marc Chagall Paris Through the Window Surrealism
Edward Hopper Nighthawks Realism
Edward Hopper Chop Suey Realism