Judicial Branch
Do Now In your opinion, do laws actually help reduce crime, why or why not?
Information Chapter 7-1 and 7-2 work due yesterday Project presentations - missing briefs
Current Events Cameras and Cops - should officers be required to wear cameras on their uniforms? California Wild fires - threatening homes - significant drought issues and dry conditions
Do Now In your opinion, do laws actually help reduce crime, why or why not?
Types of Law Criminal Civil Statutory Common Labor Administrative Constitutional
Criminal Law Crime - determined by society - enacted through government Determines crimes - punishment for crimes Designed to protect society
Criminal Code Changes Crimes Code - designed to be a deterrent Do laws actually deter crime?
Civil Law Laws that govern behaviors of people - disputes between people Types of disputes - family law - divorce - business issues - multiple courts
Sources of Law Statutory Law - laws passed by legislatures - criminal/civil laws Common Law - based on custom, cases, and traditions - decisions based on precedent
Creating Precedence
Other Law Types Administrative - agencies create law - FCC, NHTSB Constitutional - questions about the Constitution - heard by Supreme Court Labor - disputes between employer and employees
Exit If the legislature is responsible for making laws, why are some agencies able to make “law” and hold people accountable? Should they have this ability.