Do You think that people can have more muscles than others? Ummmmm NO! Every human being has 600 muscles in their bodies
There a re d ifferent types o f M uscles i n your b ody : Smooth Muscles SSkeletal Muscle CCardiac Muscle
Smooth muscles can also be called Involuntary muscles They are usually in sheets or layers with one layer of muscle behind the other You cant control this type of muscle your brain, body–tell this muscle to work without you thinking about it Smooth muscles are at work all over your body- in your digestive system ( they expand and contract), Bladder, a woman's uterus and behind your eyes keeping them focused on things
The muscle that makes up the heart is called the Cardiac Muscle It is also know as the Myocardium The muscles of the heart contract to pump blood out and then relax to let blood back in after it has circulated through the body Like smooth muscles, Cardiac muscles work all by themselves with NO help from You!
These are the type of muscles that show how strong you are and let you kick a soccer ball into the goal They are sometimes also called Striated Muscle because the light and dark of the muscle fibre makes them looked striped Skeleton muscles are Voluntary – You are able to control what they do These muscles help to make up the Musculoskeletal- which is a combination of your muscles + bones These muscles work with your bones to give one power and strength These muscles are attached to the end of bones with tendons
Skeletal Muscles come in many different sizes and shapes to allow them to do many types of jobs Some of your biggest and most powerful muscles are in your back and near your spine How a muscle is structured
Your muscles in your body are very important but you can sadly get diseases that effect your muscles. Diseases that your muscles can get are: Myopathy: A disease that effect the skeletal muscles. Polymyositis: A connective tissue diseases that causes inflammation and muscular weakness. Diseases Your Muscles Can Get:
Your muscles are very important and you cannot live without them. For everyone who does sports, you have to keep your muscles healthy now so that when you get older you can continue playing that sport. If you do not look after your muscles properly while you are young you are going to have problems when you get older. How to keep your muscles healthy
How to keep your muscles healthy: Exercise on a daily basis Stretch before exercising Warm up before excising so you wont get hurt while exercising, especially when it is cold. Eat healthy foods
Play at least one sport. Drink more water than soft drinks so your muscles will stay strong all the time.
The skeletal muscles protect organs Cardiac muscles pump blood Smooth muscles aids digestion Smooth muscles also ensure blood flow