August 2012 RNS Newsletter Our Mission RNS is a membership organization for medical care coordination that provides continuing education and networking. The professional goal of its members is to advocate for quality patient care while utilizing community resources in a cost effective manner Contents August program 1 President's Message 2 Program registration form 3 RNS Advertising Policy 4 RNS is Dark for July 2012 Please note that our next RNS meeting will be held at Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Classroom 3 in the Basement level of the hospital Topic: Freakonomics, Medicine and Rehabilitation Speaker: Thomas L. Hedge, MD, Center Despite complexity, the world is not unknowable. Freakonomics is a way of looking at complex sociological entities or the inner workings of anything like healthcare, ask the right question and gain a new understanding. Dr Hedge will provide a view of our patients, clients and providers of healthcare through the prism of Freakonomcs. Objectives and Goals Understand the unintended consequences of laws and events on healthcare. Understand the facts which will predict your future in healthcare. Understand the principles of Freakonomics as it relates to healthcare This course is approved by California BRN for 2 CEUs CCMC approval pending. Visit us on our website: Date: August 23, 2012 Registration: : 11:30 am – 12:00 pm Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Presentation: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Cost Members - $25.00 Non-members $35.00 CEU’s: approved for 2 hours BRN provider # CCM - 2 CEU’s Location: Northridge Hospital Medical Center Roscoe Blvd, Northridge, CA (818) Registration form See page 3 Upcoming meetings July 26 th Dark August 23 th will be Hospital Northridge, CA
August 2012 Page 2 Presidents Message By Barbara Greenfield, RN BSN, CCM, CNLCP Dear RNS Members and Friends; The presentation in May by Purnima Karia, OTR/L, CDRS was wonderful. Purnima is an expert in driving evaluations, from Providence Little Company of Mary’s - Driver’s Mobility Program. Her presentation was effective and gave us a new foundation for educating our patient’s, clients, and the physician’s we work with regarding how a driver’s evaluations is a critical part of returning individual’s to a safe and independent life within their community. If you missed the program and need further information please call the Rehabcentre at The RNS Board is in the process of reviewing options for future presentations. Based on this discussion and difficulty in scheduling a presenter for the July 2012 meeting we have decided to cancel our July meeting. A heart felt thank you goes out to our wonderful members who provided the great gifts for our raffle in May. I would like to thank Barbara Tucker of Dr. Heskiaoff’s Office, Maryanne Sawoski of Continuity Care Home Nurses and Deborah Buntin of Little Company of Mary. I hope to see you at our next meeting in August. We will be meeting at Northridge Hospital on August 23, 2012 at 11:30. More information to come!
Barbara Greenfield President (626) Rita Pathmanaban Vice President (714) Maryanne Sawoski Treasurer (818) Cell (818) Hector Chavez Recording Secretary Diane Manning Corresponding Secretary Cell: (949) Diana Campos Member at Large (membership) (818) Board of Directors 2012 August 2012 Page 3 Remember, if you register, you are still responsible for paying for the meal, even if you don’t attend. Number of members _____ at $25.00 Number of non-members: _____ at $35.00 Name: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ City: ____________________ State:_____ ZIP: ____________________ Please RSVP by , phone or mail by August 19 th Call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski. Office: (818) cell (818) Detach and mail to…. ( Please include your check) Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses Riverside Drive, Suite #108 North Hollywood, CA Attention: Kellie Kerr “I’m dancing as fast as I can” August 23 rd meeting registration. Remember Post Your Job Opportunities Here FREE for RNS Members!
August 2012 Page 4 We’re on the Web! see us at Mark your calendar to attend The August 23 rd meeting ….. and don’t forget to RSVP by August 19 th To your reservation, send an to: To RSVP by phone, call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski (818) You can mail your registration to: Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses Riverside Drive, Suite #108 RNS c/o Michael Demoratz Webmaster 310 Pasadena Avenue Tustin, California RNS Policy on Advertising Strictly limited to job openings and educational opportunities, such as conferences, etc. Current members may advertise for free. Not a current member: Pay membership dues ($50) to join RNS, after which they can advertise for free. Advertising will be a membership benefit. The duration of an advertisement will be limited to three months maximum or, it will be removed if no longer appropriate, when the event has occurred The Snail-Mailed version will have limitations based upon space available. However, the version of the newsletter, and on the web site, can be more flexible. A web page link will be included in printed and newsletter versions to refer to the reader more detailed advertisement information on the RNS website.