Better Standards, Better Life IAGA 2010, China Changchun A Proposal for a APMP Key Comparison of a Scalar Quantum Magnetometers in the Geomagnetic Range Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) Po Gyu Park V. Ya. Shifrin D. I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology(VNIIM)
Better Standards, Better Life Taking into consideration Resolution 4 of the 21st CGPM concerning the need to use SI units in studies of Earth resources, the environment, human well-being and related issues. Geomagnetic Observatories has presently a worst case accuracy level of a few nanotesla and that it is necessary to obtain an accuracy at the level of 0.1 nT. We would like to ask for you support in organizing within the APMP a key comparison of magnetic flux density(MFD) standards in the geomagnetic range from 20 μT to 100 μT. I. Introduction
Better Standards, Better Life This idea was approved at the 22nd CCEM meeting CCEM/WGKC/ ). However it has not been realized till now at the CCEM level. We are asking for your support in organizing and running the comparison campaign, in which KRISS and VNIIM could be co-pilots laboratories, with 4 to 6 participating countries of the APMP region and we expect also participation in this comparison not only of the National Metrology Institutes (NMI), but also the Earth’s Magnetic Field (EMF) observatories. I. Introduction
Better Standards, Better Life Meter Convention CGPM CIPM BIPM Consultative Committees Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs) Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs) National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) 48 Member countries Held every 4 years Held every year CGPM (Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures, General Conference of Weights and Measures) APMP EUROMET KRISS, NIST CIPM (Comit'e Internationale des Poids et Mesures, International Committee on Weights and Measures) BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, International Bureau of Weights and Measures] CCEM, CCL, CCM
Better Standards, Better Life RMO : Regional Metrology Organization EURAMET SIM SADCMET COOMET APMP RCAB : Regional Coop. of Accreditation Body EA : Europe IAAC : America SADCA : Africa CAS-MAS-Q APLAC : Asia BIPM/CIPM ILAC 국제표준기구
Better Standards, Better Life CIPM-ILAC MoU : Signed on November 3, 2001 IAF-ILAC-ISO MoU : Signed on March 25, 2004 ILAC-OIML MoU : Signed on November 12, 2006 Common Statement and Declaration by BIPM, OIML and ILAC : Signed on January 23, 2006 국제표 International Accreditation Forum International Organization of Legal Metrology International Organization of Legal Metrology 준력 International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
Better Standards, Better Life VARIOUS RMOs OF THE WORLD It was left to the regional metrology organizations (RMOs) to develop guidelines for acceptable quality systems. In case of our laboratory RMO is Asia Pacific Metrology Program (APMP ).
Better Standards, Better Life
II. Motivations (technical limitations) 1. Shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio - Physical fundamental constant ; P (gamma prime p) definition : pure water(H 2 0), spherical shape, 25 o C - Proton and Overhauser magnetometers used to Kerosene, Alcohol, etc (cylin. shape) 2. Optical pumping magnetometer(Cs, K, Rb..): vapor gas, no absolute(relative) 3. Phase shifts : NMR signal damping 4. Heading Error (magnetic impurities in sensors, use extremely low magnetic permeability) * Overhauser : omnidirectional sensor (no dead zone and no heading error:theory) * Some optically pumped magnetometers have an inherent heading error 5. Reference Frequency ( proton : Hz - 1 nT)
Better Standards, Better Life Transfer std. scalar magnetometers (Proton, Cs, K…) from participators to KRISS * KRISS, VNIIM, NIM(China), NPLI(India), Kakioka?(Japan), NMIA?(Australia), CMC?(Tiwan), SIRIM?(Maleysia) Comparison between KRISS/VNIIM std scalar magnetometers KRISS/VNIIM report for KC (protocol and KC results-draftA, B) Corrections of measurement data and evaluate the measurement uncertainties for each scalar magnetometer. III. Process of KC (APMP.EM.M-X) * Participation deadline : 31 Oct. 2010
Better Standards, Better Life KRISS/VNIIM NMI1 NMI4 NMI2 NMI3 EMF obs2 EMF obs3 EMF obs1 EMF obs2 EMF obs1 EMF obs2 EMF obs3 EMF obs1 EMF obs1 EMF std No EMF std Scalar magnetometers (proton, Cs, K,…) send to KRISS for KC Process of KC (APMP.EM.M-X)
Better Standards, Better Life Traceability of MFD standards at KRISS IV. Magnetic Flux Density Standard (KRISS)
Better Standards, Better Life Photograph of KRISS MFD std
Better Standards, Better Life Magnetic Flux Density Standard (VNIIM) Voltage calibrator 6-component dipoles and coils system Correcting variations coils
Better Standards, Better Life Photograph of VNIIM MFD std
Better Standards, Better Life VI. CCEM KC Results (2001, CCEM.M-K1, DC) KRISS VNIIM
Better Standards, Better Life V. Ya. Shifrin, Po Gyu Park et al., “Experimental estimation of the accuracy of medern scalar quantum magnetometer…”, Phys. Ear. Plan. Inter. 166(2), pp (2008).
Better Standards, Better Life
VII. Discussion ♦ Proposal to organize APMP comparisons of the magnetic flux density standards in a geomagnetic range from 20 µТ to 100 µТ with KRISS and VNIIM co-pilot laboratories(Type A:(0.1 – 0.02) nT, B:(0.1 – 0.2 ) nT) ♦ Participation in this key comparison not only of the National Metrology Institutes (NMI), but also the Geomagnetic Observatories. ♦ KRISS, VNIIM, NIM(China), NPLI(India), Kakioka?(Japan), NMIA?(Australia), CMC?(Tiwan), SIRIM?(Malaysia) ♦ Participation deadline : 31 Oct. 2010
Better Standards, Better Life 1. V. Ya. Shifrin, Po Gyu Park et al., “Experimental estimation of the accuracy of medern scalar quantum magnetometer…”, Phys. Ear. Plan. Inter. 166(2), pp (2008). 2. P. G. park, Y. G. Kim, V. Ya. Shifrin, "Maintenance of Magnetic Flux Density Standards on the Basis of Proton Gyromagnetic Ratio at KRISS" IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 54(2), pp (2005). 3.V. Ya. Shifrin, V.N.Khorev, A.Ye.Shilov and P.G.Park, “The long-term stability of an atomic magnetic resonance standard system…’, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 52(2), pp (2003). 4. P. G. Park, Y. G. Kim, V. Ya. Shifrin, and V. N. Khorev, "Precise standard system for low dc magnetic field reproduction", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 73(8), pp (2002). 5.V. Ya. Shifrin, E. B. Alexandrov, T. I. Chikvadze, V. N. Khorev, Po Gyu Park, “Magnetic flux density standard for geomagnetometer”, Metrologia, 37(3), pp (2000). 6. V. Ya. Shifrin, Po Gyu Park, V. N. Khorev, Chang Ho Choi, C. S. Kim, “A New Low-Field Determination of the Proton Gyromagnetic Ratio in Water”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 47(3), pp (1998). 7. V. Ya. Shifrin, Po Gyu Park, Cheol Gi Kim, V.N. Khorev, Chang Ho Choi, “Experimental Determination of the Gyromagnetic Ratio of the He-4 Atom in Terms of that of the He-3 Nucleus”, IEEE. Trans. Meas. Instrum IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 46(2), pp (1997). 8. P. J. Mhor, B. N. Taylor and D. B. Newell, “CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constant : 2006”, Rev. Mod. Phys., vol. 80,pp. 633~730, April~ June K. Weyand, “Draft B for key comparison CCEM.M-K1, Magnetic flux density by means of a transfer standard coil”, PTB, Oct., References
Better Standards, Better Life The End Thank you
Better Standards, Better Life Realization of magnetic field unit Magnetic flux density ( B, T = Wb/m 2 ) 1. B generated by a solenoid with known dimensions : carrying a current known in terms of A 90 (T 90 ∝ A 90 ∝ e) 2. B determined by measuring the force on a conductor with known dimensions : carrying a current known in terms of A 90 (T 90 ∝ 1/A 90 ∝ 1/e) 3. B determined by measuring the NMR frequency of a spherical H 2 O sample with the proton gyromagnetic ratio ( T 90 ∝ (h/ 5 ) 1/2 ) *B.N Taylor, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 50(2), pp , April(2001) O SI Unit : Wb, T, A/m X CGS : Mx. G, Oe B = o K B I F = BIL
Better Standards, Better Life Traceability of magnetic flux density standards KRISS Traceability of MFD standards at KRISS NMR & Electromagnet : 40 mT T Helmholtz coil : 1 mT – 40 mT Low MFD standard : below 1.2 mT Nonmagnetic facilities EMF compensation Precision quartz solenoid ω 4He = γ 4He ∙B KRISS-VNIIM Results P = x 10 8 s -1 T -1 (0.18 x ) 3He = x 10 8 s -1 T -1 (0.18 x ) 4He = x 10 8 s -1 T -1 (0.18 x )