1 Month Letter from DOE to NGA with cc to everyone Program Managers – Message to locals detailing what is coming and translating numbers DOE “Huddle” on consistent message/information sent out to States States – conduct a capacity assessment of locals and make sure they
1 Month NASCSP call with the states giving them more detail on what is coming and giving them some projections –Barriers/successes/what can we do States need to find out what locals need in ramp up money to accomplish the tasks DOE should approach state about ramping up training capacity Bring Executive Director and Fiscal Officer into the ramp up conversation
3 Months Advance money to locals to ramp up to hire, equipment Guidance from DOE with 09-2 numbers Work to get state budgets in place to support this level of funding Sort out reporting systems to accommodate new needs Make contact with vendors and ensure we have systems in place
NETWORK 1 month Locals start increasing client lists/outreach, which is an ongoing activity. Re-evaluate training, “boot camp” Locals start polling contractors, “are you interested in joining the program.” –Talk to other associations States provide templates for press releases, tools, etc. so locals don’t have to create everything from scratch.
NETWORK 1 month Develop plan to reach eligible clients that are above traditional eligibility criteria (putting everything in place easily if the criteria is raised) Look at pockets of neighborhoods to increase pool of eligible clients. Look at previous denials. Working with state colleagues at LIHEAP. Develop common intake forms.
NETWORK 1 month Texas mandates that LIHEAP clients with energy burdens over a certain threshold be referred to Weatherization.. Get energy data from utility. Determine BTU usage per year and the square footage of the homes before they are audited to gauge potential. States consider reorganizing structure so Wx and LIHEAP are in the same office thereby increasing the ability to work together.
NETWORK 1 month Policy Advisory Committee: See what they can do. Work with Healthy Homes Scan existing labor force to determine candidates to promote to energy auditor. Set up specialized training for them to accelerate this transition. Build up administrative and accounting staff. Identify additional space for offices and warehouses to facilitate ramp-up.
NETWORK 1 month Request from DOE to states to encourage them to collaboratively plan for ramp up (prior to asking for state-developed ramp up materials). Guidance documents and regulation changes Emergency rulemaking process
NETWORK 1 month Check/review grant process –Tentative Allocations; Grant Sub. Target money in the plan for ramp up Crew foreman – begin this training process Hot Climate – Trainers, States, Locals
NETWORK 3 Months Analyst Training occurs/completed Build up Admin & Accounting Staff Training capacity available for states without training centers (does this go on the 1 month chart) Training Plan
NETWORK 6 Months Reassess Engaged in contractor training