What’s the problem? Notice anything about the % of girls and boys achieving level 5? Hmm…..
What are we doing? Peer coaching for teachers Separate gender teaching Specific focus in numeracy planning and monitoring on gender issues Teaching to include paired talk, no hands up and open-ended questions Data analysis Positive female role models in assemblies
Skipping competition You are organising a skipping tournament. There are 8 teams How will you organise the competition to find the best team? What do you need to consider? Ensure every team plays one another How long will they play? How long will the tournament last?
Teaching and learning Girls do better than boys on sustained tasks that are open-ended, process based, related to realistic situations, and that require pupils to think for themselves.Girls do better than boys on sustained tasks that are open-ended, process based, related to realistic situations, and that require pupils to think for themselves.
Teaching and learning Boys show greater adaptability to more traditional approaches to learning which require memorising abstract, unambiguous facts and rules that have to be acquired quickly. They appear to sacrifice deep understanding, requiring sustained effort, for solutions achieved at speed.Boys show greater adaptability to more traditional approaches to learning which require memorising abstract, unambiguous facts and rules that have to be acquired quickly. They appear to sacrifice deep understanding, requiring sustained effort, for solutions achieved at speed.