Scientific Articles Reporting on the scientific method…
Title statement of the question or problem
Author Primary author first Other authors listed by importance of contributions
Abstract Short summary of the paper <250 words With hypothesis and outcome for hypothesis Searchable index Overview of methods
Introduction Background and significance of the problem explored in your study (why is this important?) Scientific name (Scientific name) of organisms used Review of literature
Materials & Methods Report of exactly what you did, “protocol” Detailed enough to be duplicated by another scientist, who was not present. Diagrams of apparatus if necessary
Results Identify control(s) and variable(s) Presentation of quantitative data as well as qualitative data Data in narrative and graphical form Data should be repeatable No interpretation, leave that for discussion
Discussion Interpretation and discussion of results Was your hypothesis supported or refuted? What do your results suggest? What would you do differently? What is the next step?
Acknowledgements Any special thanks/acknowledgements
References Any books or periodical used, especially in the background information
Any information that would be helpful, but is too copious and distracting to put in the body of the paper. Appendix
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