Traditional games in Riomaior school
Grandparents came to school to tell us how they played when they were boys
They talked about “Billarda”.
And children were very interested
They were enjoying with the explanations remembering their childhood
But children wanted to try so…
We went outside to learn how to play
It was the first time he had seen it… but they loved it…
All children wanted to try!!
And the losers had to carry the winners on their back!!
It was as funny as playing Billarda
The game has got a long wooden stick and a short one with sharp borders
BILLARDA You have to kick the shorter one with the long one.When the little one flies you have to kick again and throw it as far as possible.
But… we want to play again
So, in the break…. We played again and taught the older pupils how to do it
And we’d love to learn another traditional games