Presents Statistics and Market Study Services Nevada
2 How to obtain the “Statistics You Must Know” Log onto MLXchange to begin your compilations
3 Total Active Residential Listings Select Property Subtypes: CON, SFR,TWH Select Status: EA, ER Select Areas from (that includes all of Boulder City, Henderson, North Las Vegas and Las Vegas) 3 Here is your total!
4 To Find Last Year Comparables, go to and log in Go to “Sale Stats” and then “Monthly Stats” for the information
5 Once there, go to the Monthly MLXchange Statistics Report and find the comparable months
6 Here are the January, 2007 new listings taken Here you can see there were 7313 total listings taken in January, 2007
7 Now go to the same month for last year
8 Here you will find the corresponding information for comparison. As you can see there were 6839 total listings taken in January, 2006
9 To determine this year’s Average List Price, go to Monthly Comparative Statistics
10 Select the most recent statistics
11 Here you can find the Average List Price, Average Sales Price, Average days on the market and # of listings taken for January, 2007
12 Now do the same for the corresponding month last year
13 Here are the same stats for last year
14 Now go to Statistical reports in MLXchange
15 Select Comp report, Summary by Bedrooms
16 Make your selections for single family residential solds for the last 6 months of 2006
17 Here is Average Market Time and List Price vs. Sales price ratio for the last 6 months of 2006
18 Let’s say you have a listing presentation in The Lakes, select your search criteria to match
19 This statistical report will show you the average sales price, the Days on the Market and the list price/Sale Price ratio
20 Or you want to do the entire SW part of the valley
21 To Determine Number Sold YTD
22 To Determine Number Sold YTD Last Year NOTE: Be certain to add S & H status to get YTD for last year!
23 To find Average Sales Price, Go to Annualized Statistics
24 Then Go to Average Price
25 Here are the results for Average Sales Price this year vs. last year
26 You can use these number to determine appreciation or depreciation Single Family Average 2007 = $372, = $344,515 Difference of $27,531 % change = + 8% Condominium Average 2007 = $236, = $225,669 Difference of $10,414 % change = + 5%
27 Market Study of Subdivision You will first determine the number of homes in the subdivision by going to the tax record in MLXchange Type in the subdivision name and proceed
28 Here is Country Rose in Summerlin There are 154 parcels of land in the subdivision
29 All but 1 parcel is a home site
30 There is a Market Study Template available for you to use to determine Age, Style and Square Footage
31 Now you will want to determine the statistics for the subdivision or area you are dealing with Let’s stick with Country Rose
32 Here are your results, so click results
33 Once you see the list of your results, you will want to find out the stats The first thing you will do is go to columns and pull up the market recap by subdivision
34 This search will show up
35 Click on Search Criteria and Statistics at the bottom of the report
36 You have the same statistics here on a smaller scale as are available in the annual statistics function Avg List Price Avg Sales Price Avg Days on Market SP/LP ratio
37 To Determine the top 3 Listing Agents in the Subdivision, go to search Put in Status = ER, EA, S, P, C Area Subdivision Name
38 You have an Agent Inventory Template available to determine Top 3 Listing Agents in area
39 If there is no dominant agent, find out which Brokerages are dominant Click here to alphabetize the field
40 Now let’s move to the resource room and prepare Statistics and a Market Study for your neighborhood!