March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai1 Installation of Geant4 1st HK Simulation Meeting
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai2 Objectives Introduction to UNIX To show you how to install the Geant4 package for Windows and Linux
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai3 UNIX File System Each node is either a FILE or a DIRECTORY Specify a file or a directory by its PATH NAME Full path name starts with the root, /, and follows the branches of the file system, each separated by /, e.g., /home/wkngai/phy1000
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai4 UNIX Programs A program in UNIX can be: a shell script, a built-in shell comman, or a source compiled object coded file A shell is a command line interpreter. E.g., sh, csh, tcsh
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai5 Terminal Type Should be set to match the terminal in use “vt100” works for most computers “xterm” for X-Terminal, you should use this one in the future whenever you need visualization
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai6 UNIX Command Line Structure A command is a program that tells the UNIX system to do something: command [options] [arguments] e.g. lpr -Plj326 -# 2 file will send 2 copies of file to the printer in this room Whenever you don’t know how to use a command, try this: man command
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai7 Directory Navigation & Control CommandWhat it does cd [directory]Change directory ls [options] [directory or file]List directory contents or file permission mkdir [options] [directory]Make a directory pwdPrint current working directory rmdir [options] [directory]Remove a directory
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai8 File Maintenance Control CommandWhat it does chmod [options] fileChange file or directory access permissions chown [options] owner fileChange the ownership of a file cp [options] file1 file2Copy file1 into file2 mv [options] file1 file2Move file1 into file2 rm [options] fileRemove a file or directory (-r recursively delete directory and its contents)
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai9 Prerequisities -- Windows The default command prompt CANNOT be used to compile codes! Need Cygwin, a set of UNIX-like tools Freely available from HEREHERE Check out this page if you don’t know how to install CygwinCygwin
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai10 Compilers in Windows Microsoft Visual C++.NET 2003 (version 7.1), commercial, you have to setup some environmental variables in the Cygwin startup script g++, free, I suppose it should be installed under Cygwin
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai11 Prerequisities -- Windows Java is needed for visualization and event analysis Does not come with Windows by default Install JAVAJAVA
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai12 Installation Introduction Supported operating systems: i.Linux on PC with g++ ii.Windows XP with Microsoft Visual C++ iii.flavors of Unix Required software: i.C++ compiler ii.CLHEP libraryCLHEP library iii.GNU Make iv.Geant4 toolkit source codeGeant4 toolkit source code
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai13 Installation Procedures 1.Set the necessary environmental variables: G4SYSTEM, specify the operating system G4INSTALL, path where the Geant4 toolkit tree is installed CLHEP_BASE_DIR, path to the CLHEP installation 2. Use the Configure shell script to set other environmental variables for Geant4 3. Compile the source 4.Configure the environment under your account 5.Done………………if no error
March 2, 2005Wah-kai Ngai14 Remark You can use pre-compiled libraries if you know exactly what you are doing Try to install by yourself Read through the official installation guideofficial installation guide