1. According to the article, what are the two conflicting American ideal? 1. In what ways is real estate investing similar to stock market investing? 1. Explain the two ways in which real estate is valued. 1. In what ways are real estate investors motivated to “improve” a neighborhood? Can you think of examples in your neighborhood where these types of “improvements” have been done?
The Olympic Bid and the City’s Motivation for Bidding Why does the mayor want the Olympics in Chicago? Will the Olympics provide jobs? For who and for how long? Does race play into the Olympic bid in Chicago? How? What businesses and corporations are behind the Olympic bid? What’s the plan for the stadium in Washington Park? What’s the plan for the Olympic village housing after the Olympics are over? What form of security will be in affect during the Olympics? How will this affect Chicago residents? What are the proposed sites for the Olympics events, etc.? Are there other projects that this kind of money could be better spent on? How does this relate to the cancellation of the Bud Billiken Parade? Why can’t this kind of money be used on public schools in Chicago? Paying for the Olympics Will tax dollars be used to pay for the Olympics? How will this work? What about TIFs? Will the Olympics means tax raises? How much will the Olympics cost? What examples can we learn from other Olympic host cities?
Housing Effects of the Olympics on Chicago What will happen to the city after the Olympics? How will the facilities be used after the Olympics? Will the Olympics force people from their homes? If so, how does this happen? What’s the plan for the Olympic village housing after the Olympics are over? What examples can we learn from other Olympic host cities? What neighborhoods will be most affected in Chicago? What are the population statistics for the neighborhoods that will be affected by the Olympics? What will be the affect of the Olympics on the Latino population of Chicago? What does “affordable housing” really mean? Is it really “affordable”? How will the Olympics affect housing costs / property taxes / rents Economic / Cost of Living Effects of Olympics on Chicago Why are some groups opposing the Olympics? How could it benefit the city? What is Obama’s opinion about the Olympics? How will the Olympics affect prices Could the international publicity help Chicago? Will the Olympics provide jobs? For who and for how long? Who will likely gain from the Olympics? Who will likely loose? What examples can we learn from other Olympic host cities? What will be the affect of the Olympics on the Latino population of Chicago?