Every child proficient and prepared for success Kentucky Department of Education 1
Two target indicators help address this overall vision in college and career readiness: 1. Increase the percentage of students who are college/career-ready from 34 percent (16,320 students) to 67 percent (32,160 students) by Increase the Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate from 76 percent (36,480 students) to 90 percent (43,200 students) by Kentucky Department of Education 3
8 Strategies to Meet Goals 1. Collection and Use of Data – Persistence to Graduation 2. Course and Assessment Alignment 3. New Accountability Model 4. Targeted Interventions/EPAS 5. Career Readiness Pathways 6. Acceleration 7. Academic and Career Advising 8. District 180 Kentucky Department of Education 4
Preparing them for the future 5 Kentucky Department of Education
Students need to have a sense of safety and belonging in order to be successful and reach their full potential. If basic needs aren’t being met, academics, work, planning for the future and self-actualization are at the bottom of the priority list, especially if a student does not have a caring adult with whom to connect. Students in middle and high schools especially can “feel insignificant, unknown or even lost”(Schanfield, 2010), which can greatly affect the students’ ability to experience successes. Kentucky Department of Education 6
As schools and districts support students in their decision-making and preparation for future goals, students will have greater access to those pathways that will enable them to be both college- and career-ready. Kentucky Department of Education 7
System of Advising ILP Advising Toolkit Transition Toolkit Operation Preparation Kentucky Department of Education 8
Career Cruising Changing how students prepare for the future Parent resources D-404A-B40A- 9F76B020EFC1/0/ILPForParentsKYILP.pdf D-404A-B40A- 9F76B020EFC1/0/ILPForParentsKYILP.pdf ILP login Kentucky Department of Education 9
urces/Secondary+and+Virtual+Learning/Advising+an d+Transitions/Advising+Toolkit.htm urces/Secondary+and+Virtual+Learning/Advising+an d+Transitions/Advising+Toolkit.htm Activities align with the American School Counselor’s Association standards, within 3 domains: Academic Career Personal/Social Kentucky Department of Education 10
a “one stop shopping” source that schools can use to help develop, implement or revise their plans for transitioning students from the elementary grades to the middle grades or middle grades to high school rces/secondary+and+virtual+learning/middle+school/ transition+toolkit.htm Kentucky Department of Education 11
Every Child Proficient and Prepared for Success- College and Career Ready 12 Kentucky Department of Education
The Education and Workforce Development Cabinet and the Kentucky Department Education are committed to ensuring students enter and move through the educational pipeline with the appropriate guidance to gain the pre- requisite skills and knowledge necessary to be college and career ready. Governor Beshear will proclaim the week of March 12 through March 16, 2012 to be “Operation Preparation” Kentucky Department of Education 13
In support of the Commonwealth Commitment signed by all 174 school districts in the Commonwealth to increase college and career readiness by 50%, Operation Preparation will be a week-long activity that will provide a powerful opportunity for schools and communities to collaborate in the college and career planning process for individual students. Kentucky Department of Education 14
Operation Preparation will provide every 8 th and 10 th grade student access to college and career advising from a member of the local community Using each students’ Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and EXPLORE/PLAN data, advisors will guide students through the process of preparing themselves to be ready for college and career success. Kentucky Department of Education 15
Operation Preparation will facilitate uniting students, staff, parents, the community, businesses and higher education to make the absolute most of a student’s educational experience. Kentucky Department of Education 16
Toolkit Components 1. ILP 2. EPAS 3. Connecting to the Learner 4. Strategies for Effective Advising 5. Preparation 6. Parent Engagement 7. Structure 8. Follow-up/Evaluation Kentucky Department of Education 17
Prichard Committee Junior Achievement GEAR UP KSBA Community Education Family Resource Centers 21sr Century Learning Centers KY Scholar Chamber of Commerce IHDI/ UK KCTCS CPE Career Cruising PTA Cooperative Extension Offices KNOW HOW2GO KHEAA Kentucky Department of Education 18
Sharon Johnston Kentucky Department of Education Kentucky Department of Education 19