Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program1 Minority And Underserved Populations Prostate Cancer Awareness And Early Detection Program Funded By Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Minority And Underserved Populations Prostate Cancer Awareness And Early Detection Program Funded By Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program2 About Us TOO International Us TOO International, Inc. is an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization, established in 1990 by men and their families dealing with prostate cancer. Us TOO International, Inc. is an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization, established in 1990 by men and their families dealing with prostate cancer. Us TOO is an education and support group organization made up of more than 325 chapters internationally. Us TOO is an education and support group organization made up of more than 325 chapters internationally. Us TOO’s Mission is to “communicate timely, personalized and reliable information enabling informed choices regarding detection and treatment of prostate cancer” Us TOO’s Mission is to “communicate timely, personalized and reliable information enabling informed choices regarding detection and treatment of prostate cancer”
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program3 Program Goals Minority and Underserved Population Prostate Cancer Awareness and Early Detection Program The program is a collaborative outreach project to recruit, identify and train volunteers to inform and educate people in their communities. The program is a collaborative outreach project to recruit, identify and train volunteers to inform and educate people in their communities. The Goals are to: 1) Develop culturally sensitive educational materials and publications, 2) to advocate and provide supportive resources, 3) reach out and support by training volunteers (facilitators) and 4) build awareness of the danger and threat of prostate cancer to assure informed decision-making by families in targeted minority and underserved communities The Goals are to: 1) Develop culturally sensitive educational materials and publications, 2) to advocate and provide supportive resources, 3) reach out and support by training volunteers (facilitators) and 4) build awareness of the danger and threat of prostate cancer to assure informed decision-making by families in targeted minority and underserved communities Each trained facilitator is instructed to collaborate with medical facilities, civic organizations, churches, local government agencies, fraternities, sororities, and other organizations to provide education and information to the selected populations. Each trained facilitator is instructed to collaborate with medical facilities, civic organizations, churches, local government agencies, fraternities, sororities, and other organizations to provide education and information to the selected populations.
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program4 Program Goals The program is structured with special emphasis on reaching : African-American men. African-American men. Men who are in medically underserved regions of the USA, including rural and uninsured Americans. Men who are in medically underserved regions of the USA, including rural and uninsured Americans. Hispanic and other Spanish-speaking men. Hispanic and other Spanish-speaking men. Men in states with the greatest prostate cancer incidence rates per 100,000 populations, and the strength of our organization structure. Men in states with the greatest prostate cancer incidence rates per 100,000 populations, and the strength of our organization structure.
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program5 Data Collection Methodology Perception Solution, Inc. assisted Us TOO in evaluating its prostate cancer awareness program. Perception Solution, Inc. assisted Us TOO in evaluating its prostate cancer awareness program. Evaluation forms were designed on 8.5X11 one-sided pages and included multiple choice and open-ended questions with a self addressed return envelope. Evaluation forms were designed on 8.5X11 one-sided pages and included multiple choice and open-ended questions with a self addressed return envelope. All responses were processed and included comparative prior program years results where applicable. All responses were processed and included comparative prior program years results where applicable.
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program6 Prostate Cancer Post Community Awareness Survey This survey was initiated in the third program (2006) year to analyze the actions of those receiving awareness information, and gather data on the effectiveness of the prostate awareness campaign. This survey was initiated in the third program (2006) year to analyze the actions of those receiving awareness information, and gather data on the effectiveness of the prostate awareness campaign. Majority of respondents were 41 years old, and African American males…people at high risk of prostate cancer Majority of respondents were 41 years old, and African American males…people at high risk of prostate cancer Fifteen percent of respondents were prostate cancer survivors. Fifteen percent of respondents were prostate cancer survivors. Most results were positive and indicative of participants’ increased knowledge about prostate cancer. Most results were positive and indicative of participants’ increased knowledge about prostate cancer.
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program7 Major Accomplishments Collaborated with Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs in 17 “Pilot” states and DC to provide prostate cancer awareness education to minority and underserved populations. Collaborated with Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs in 17 “Pilot” states and DC to provide prostate cancer awareness education to minority and underserved populations. Collaborated with Comprehensive Cancer Control Tribal Program to develop and distribute new prostate cancer education materials. Collaborated with Comprehensive Cancer Control Tribal Program to develop and distribute new prostate cancer education materials. Trained 943 facilitators to conduct prostate cancer awareness events in local communities and distribute materials. Trained 943 facilitators to conduct prostate cancer awareness events in local communities and distribute materials. Collaborated with 901 national and local organizations. Collaborated with 901 national and local organizations. Educated and provided prostate cancer materials to 312,935 men and women in the 4.5 years of the program. Educated and provided prostate cancer materials to 312,935 men and women in the 4.5 years of the program. Extended beyond the “pilot” states and DC to additional CCCP collaborations with the Us TOO SEA Blue (Support, Educate, Advocate) campaign materials. Extended beyond the “pilot” states and DC to additional CCCP collaborations with the Us TOO SEA Blue (Support, Educate, Advocate) campaign materials.
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program8 Major Accomplishments During the recent April 2008 National Minority Cancer Awareness week, the Iowa CCCP collaborated with Us TOO in a media campaign in 7 major cities using the SEA Blue Campaign poster on 75 Billboards, 67 buses and bus shelters.
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program9 Plans for sustaining efforts Seek Foundation funding to continue and expand the Pilot program’s “lessons-learned” Seek Foundation funding to continue and expand the Pilot program’s “lessons-learned” Build on the Train-the-Trainer approach and continue to engage the “trained facilitators” in their community outreach and awareness efforts Build on the Train-the-Trainer approach and continue to engage the “trained facilitators” in their community outreach and awareness efforts Continue to distribute materials developed during the Pilot program Continue to distribute materials developed during the Pilot program
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program10 Plans for sustaining efforts Continue to build on established relationships, such as Comp. Cancer Programs and community partners Continue to build on established relationships, such as Comp. Cancer Programs and community partners Build into the Us TOO chapter development and expansion efforts such as Us TOO University and new Chapter Mentoring Program Build into the Us TOO chapter development and expansion efforts such as Us TOO University and new Chapter Mentoring Program Focus on awareness efforts for September Prostate Cancer Awareness Month with the Us TOO SEA Blue Campaign Focus on awareness efforts for September Prostate Cancer Awareness Month with the Us TOO SEA Blue Campaign
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Awareness Program11 Thank You