Introduction to Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology Grade 11 Mrs. Bujold
The Social Sciences Social Sciences: Economics, Politics Geography, History Behavioural Sciences: Anthropology Sociology, Psychology The Social Science umbrella can include all subjects listed on this page.
The Social Sciences Introduction This power point will cover the following: What are the social sciences that focus on behaviour? Differences between Social Science and Humanities Difference between Social Science and Natural Sciences What techniques do the social sciences use? Why are the social sciences important?
The Social Sciences & Humanities Social Science is related to the humanities. Humanities are subjects that focus on the creative side of human experience. The humanities are concerned with human expression whereas the social sciences focus on human behaviour. Examples of the humanities: Art, Literature and Philosophy
The Social Sciences and Natural Sciences The natural sciences are subjects like chemistry, biology physics
Differences Between Natural and Behavioural Sciences Natural Sciences work in strictly controlled regulated conditions such as temperature and humidity controlled environments. They take precise measurements. They limit exposure to foreign material and prevent contamination of their research materials. Behavioural sciences use fieldwork observation, they gather information from ‘informants’ who are members of the culture under study. Because of the focus on human input, social scientists cannot ensure that external forces do not influence the research material. The key goal in both areas is reliability.
The Social Science Techniques The social sciences use research and analysis. Specific techniques include: Collecting and analyzing statistics, Conducting Experiments, Examining what previous social scientists have written and created. The Goal is to understand why people act as they do.
The Importance of Behavioural Sciences Behavioural Sciences can help 1. Improve the Quality of life, 2. Help us Resolve issues, 3. Assist us in understanding what influences human behaviour, 4. Helps each of us live an informed life, and 5. Allows us to contribute our own community and the global community to make the world a better place.
HSP 3U Classwork Read/Review pages 5-9. Complete RECAP Questions # 2 and 3. Read Point and Counterpoint page 8. Complete Point/Counterpoint question #1. Use a chart. Complete Point/Counterpoint question #2. (2-3 sentences only)