Nonfiction Text Features Nonfiction as a Genre Goal for Lesson 6: You will learn the unique features of nonfiction text. You will know how to use these features to support your reading comprehension.
Nonfiction Text Features Informational: Texts that provide facts about a variety of topics (sports, animals, science, history, careers, travel, geography, weather, etc.) There different genres of nonfiction:
Nonfiction Text Features There different genres of nonfiction: Nonfiction is a unique genre. There are different types of nonfiction. Do you know what they are? Nonfiction has features that are very different from narrative text features. We will look at some of their differences to show how they compare.
Nonfiction Text Features Text Features: Table of ContentsMaps HeadingsBoldfaced Type Glossary Bulleted lists IndexCaptions and labels DiagramsCharts PhotographsTimelines
Nonfiction Text Features Biography: The story of a real person’s life written by another person. They are usually about well known people and it will tell about any part of their life. There different genres of nonfiction:
Nonfiction Text Features Autobiography: The story of a real person’s life written by that person. It is a true account of their life or part of their life. There different genres of nonfiction:
Nonfiction Text Features Structure & Overview of the Message Bible How is the Bible organized? What are the unique features that help the reader find information? Recognizing the features helps the Reader to find information quickly. It supports your comprehension.
Nonfiction Text Features Structure & Overview of the Message Bible Chapters: Used to locate specific parts of the narrative/story. Verses: Used to locate specific sentences within the chapters. Chapter Titles: Identifies the topic covered in each chapter quickly at a glance.
Nonfiction Text Features Let’s look more closely! Chapters: Used to locate specific parts of the narrative/story. Chapters: This very different from a novel.
Nonfiction Text Features Books of the Bible: The Bible is divided into 66 books; each book with a title that indicates a theme or a specific writer.
Nonfiction Text Features Quick references: located on top of each page for quick location of books and chapters within books.
Nonfiction Text Features Topical Guide or Index: At the back of the book you will find a quick resource to locate a theme of topic you want to cross reference, using several scriptures.
Nonfiction Text Features Let’s practice together: Text: The Message Bible Topic: Fear What features in this Bible will help you find scriptures that tell about the topic of fear?
Nonfiction Text Features Topic: Fear Use the topical guide in the back of the book. Look for the book title, chapter and verse. Find the book title in the table of contents at the front of the book or locate it at the top of the pages. What references did we find?
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Nonfiction Text Features Text: The Message Bible Topic: Fear References: Psalm 27:1; Matthew 10:28; Mark 4:40; Hebrews 13:6; 1 John 4:18
Nonfiction Text Features Your turn to practice: link is on Moodle How is this text organized? Let’s review. What features does it have to help you read? How is this different than narrative genres? Enjoy reading! Informational text: Hurricane's Nature's Wildest Storms by Erin Ryan
Nonfiction Text Features: Table of ContentsMaps HeadingsBoldfaced Type Glossary Bulleted lists IndexCaptions and labels DiagramsCharts PhotographsTimelines See how many you can find in your Informational text on hurricanes!